Page 22 of Dirty Eoin

He’ll be aware I know all there is to know about him within reason, but the same will be true vice versa.

“Let’s not play games with each other, Leoluca. You were clearly discussing another matter. And for Jaine to have flown to New York especially, it must have been one of significant importance. Is it in any way related to the somewhat awkward exchange I’ve just experienced with Luc?”

“I’m sorry, Eoin, but I’m not at liberty to discuss the content of my meeting with Jaine.” He smiles once more before continuing. “What I will say is that you are correct. What was discussed was indeed an issue of great importance. Unfortunately, however, our top tier has yet to be informed of the matter. Until that has taken place, as you will appreciate, I can’t discuss the content with a third party.”

“Be upfront with me, Leoluca. Is my family making a mistake by allowing my youngest brother to marry Sophia Ruocco?”

My tone is sharp, and with good reason.

This is my family. My flesh and blood. And no one fucks with an Irishman’s family. Especially not Eoin O’Connell’s fucking family. Something I’m sure Leoluca Di Matteo will be only too aware of.

Heads will roll. Sicilian ones.

There’s a pause as we assess each other. Leoluca is a similar age to me. These days, he’s taken to wearing his hair in a similar style to Luc’s. Like Luc, I hear he’s also something of a ladies’ man. But that’s where their similarities end. He has a reputable reputation, unlike the untrustworthy Luciano.

He nods slowly. “Regrettably, I would say yes. But it is much too late to back out of this contractual agreement. Not without life-threatening consequences. It would be seen as a grave insult to the Ruocco family.”

“And the alliance that was meant to come from this long-awaited union?”

He must know the importance of his next response. That it may result in outright war if it’s not what I want to fucking hear.

“That is not really a matter for discussion today, Eoin. But know this. Our organization is aware of the blood oath the Dusters entered into with Luciano, but it was undertaken with him personally. That aside, the Cosa Nostra does not wish to make an enemy of the Irish mob. Neither do we wish to start a civil war in New York. We may be many things, but we are not fools. The opportunity exists to build a powerful alliance between our organizations without the need for any arranged matrimony. Once the dust has settled on the planned changes within our organization, then you and I will discuss the many business opportunities that are available to us. You have my word on that.”

We stare at each other once more before we each give a slight nod of acceptance and acknowledgment.

He’s right, of course. If we go to war, there will be no winners. Only losers and bloodshed.

“I look forward to having that conversation.” I hold out my hand and he shakes it with his. “It’s been an informative chat, Leoluca. I do hope you enjoy the wedding.”

His driver opens the car door and I step out into the sunshine.

“Please. Call me Leo.”

An olive branch.

Only a handful of people call him Leo. I nod at him once more before turning to walk back inside the church.

He’s clearly a master of his craft having told me everything I needed to know without actually saying the words.

‘You and I’ confirmed exactly what I thought. That the future don of the Sicilian mafia wants to have a tete-a-tete with the future Irish king, and the wedding taking place today offers no political advantage to the Dusters whatsoever. That aside, as a point of honor and to avoid unnecessary conflict or bloodshed, the alliance with the mafia is ours for the taking.

My pressing concern now is Luciano. What the fuck has he done to have himself ejected from his own organization when, typically, the only way a founding family member can leave is in a wooden box?

What he decides to involve himself in moving forward could be extremely damaging for the Dusters. This revelation doesn’t make him less dangerous. It makes him more so. More importantly, what the fuck have we done? But I already know the answer to the latter.

We’ve destroyed my brother’s life for nothing.



Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Manhattan, New York

Delaney:Have you set off?

Jaine:I’m already here.

Delaney:Your plan?