Page 176 of Dirty Eoin

Like I said before, loving more than one person just creates more opportunities for your heart to be broken. It’s not all roses, chocolates, and happily ever afters. From my experience, it’s regrets, what-if moments, never-ending loneliness, and living on memories that fade with each passing day until you feel like the moment never happened because the person you shared it with is no longer there to remind you that it did.

That’s what I miss most. Reminiscing. Having someone to remind me that I did have a past and that it wasn’t all just a dream.

Still. I’ll survive.

The important thing is that Eoin is alive, as is Irish. That’s what matters. Nothing else.

I smile as I answer my flashing phone.

“You dressed to impress, partner?”

I roll my eyes exaggeratedly even though she can’t see me as I glance down at my cream wrap dress. “How many times? It’s a business dinner, Jessie.”

“With Nathan Hawke, District Attorney. Aged forty-five. Divorced with two young daughters and dare I add extremely fucking hot.”

I laugh. “Quit running internet searches and drooling over images of other men or I’ll tell Dyl. I’ve already said it’s purely business. It could never be anything else considering he wants to send most of my goddamn client list to Rikers Island, your husband included.”

“But you could still have a little taste. He looks mighty delicious.”

“I never mix business with pleasure, and you know it, or at least not since Delaney.”

“You never mix pleasure with pleasure these days. Not since you and…”

“Jessie, we agreed not to get into the whys and wherefores of me and Eoin. It’s done. It’s over. We’ve moved on.”

“But have you moved on?”

“Jessie.” I say it warningly. “Anyway, I need to go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow and let you know how it went.”

“I want all the juicy details.”

“If I fuck the District Attorney, you’ll be the first to know.”

“I’m so jealous.”

“You’re so married.”

“Thanks for reminding me, spoilsport.”

“That’s me, Jessie. Goodbye.” I disconnect the call with a smile on my face.

Public Dining Room, Palace Hotel, Manhattan

I’ve agreed to meet Nathan outside. As District Attorney, I know he likes to be seen to be watching over his citizens at every opportunity he can get. Like some sort of fucked up caped crusader, protecting their city streets from crime, but without the cloak and wearing a ten-thousand-dollar business suit instead.

I know the tailor. I use the same one myself.

His ex-wife, Emily, is my age. A supermodel in her heyday, she’s also an extremely savvy businesswoman. Emily’s an Ivy League graduate and runs her own marketing and PR firm. They have two young daughters aged eight and six.

Rumor has it Nathan’s biggest regret over the failure of his marriage is losing the ability to have his handsome face plastered across the press at every available opportunity courtesy of his ex-wife.

Who knows, maybe he and Emily still work in tandem for the greater good of their now-dispersed family. It’s unlikely. Rumor also has it their split was down to the fact that he cheated on her with a teenage cheerleader, but who knows?

Maybe she’s the forgiving type.

“Nate, it’s good to see you.”

I lean forward, but he takes a further step in so he’s deliberately in my personal space before kissing me on both cheeks.