“I thought it best we…”
“We’re being followed.”
She just announces it matter-of-factly.
“And why would you think that?”
“There’s a black Mercedes behind us. I’ve deliberately driven down a few side streets, and it’s done the same. It may just be a coincidence, but my gut’s telling me not.”
We don’t get to discuss it further. Perhaps the driver had a sixth sense and realized that we were on to him as the vehicle overtakes us then cuts us off, causing Jaine to have to slam on the breaks.
“I’m no one of interest. I’m just Nicole, your driver.”
I nod at her as the occupants of the other vehicle step out. I recognize who it is immediately. We did suspect there may be some form of revenge attack, and here it is now, several months later.
I smile politely at the man who’s opened my car door. “It’s nice to see you, Malky.”
I respond as though everything is normal as I take in the morbidly obese individual with his comb-over black hair, watery blue eyes, and rosacea-infused cheeks. Clearly, Molly takes her looks from her ma.
I watch as his goon pulls Jaine from the driver seat. She doesn’t put up a struggle and neither does she speak. Wise on both counts.
“Who’s the blonde?”
“She’s my new driver. My old one retired.”
“Her name?”
I watch as his eyes drift over her while his heavy pushes her into the back of the Mercedes.
“She’s a bonnie lass.”
“She’s also married with two children.” I know exactly where his mind’s going. I also know that if he harms one single hair on her head that my eldest will move Heaven and Earth to find him then tear him apart with his bare hands.
“A pity. Anyway, shall we, Roisin” He smiles at me with nicotine-stained teeth before offering me his hand and helping me down from the vehicle.
I’m not pushed inside the car like Jaine was. As Ma Duster, I’m treated with a little more respect, even if the ending he has in store for us both is the same.
I make eye contact with Jaine briefly, but nothing is said as we sit side by side in the back of the vehicle. She’s had her phone confiscated and I’ve had my handbag taken.
I’m only sorry now that I didn’t alert the others to the fact that we were popping out. Still, there’s nothing we can do to change that now.
Our future is in God’s hands, and Malky’s too, of course.
Regardless of whether Jaine and I survive this ordeal, Malky’s life is now in the hands of all the male O’Connells, but he’ll already be aware of that.
By the looks of him, his health is already in steady decline, probably down to poor lifestyle choices. He doesn’t look like he’s long for this world, so he’ll no doubt be more than happy to meet his maker sooner rather than later if it means he can avenge his only daughter on his way out.
In his defense, she was humiliated by Eoin. In Malky’s position, and had we been blessed with a daughter, my Fergal may well have done the same.
The vehicle comes to a standstill, and I look up at the large spires of the gothic-looking cathedral.
St. Patrick’s.
Mine and Jaine’s final destination if Malky has his way.