Page 137 of Dirty Eoin

Sitting on the bench, I load the weapon before standing in front of the table. There are several elements to respect when working outdoors at long range, the main ones being wind strength and direction.

Always do your homework before pulling the trigger.

Retaking my seat, I check the scope. I can see the target in the distance. It looks much larger than some of the skulls my bullets have connected with over the years, so I’m not foreseeing any issues. Then again, I don’t typically have a crowd. The only positive is my captive audience is clearly still in shock over my accuracy with the pistol, so they’re currently deathly silent.

“Can you see the target, Jaine?” Fergal finally speaks.


I blank out everyone after that. It’s just me, the rifle, and the target I need to hit.

My finger hovers over the trigger. I’m about to squeeze just as Roisin lets out a small, forced cough. She’ll no doubt want to see if I can maintain accuracy having had my concentration disturbed.

The only time I almost missed was when I received the message from Dylan. The message that turned out not to be from Dylan. My last ever message from my Irish.

My finger hovers once more before gently squeezing the trigger.

The bullet has already reached the target by the time I’ve got to my feet. I know in my soul that it’s as good as dead center. I always know. I can feel it. It has to be.

“Nice rifle.” I break the silence just as the ninety-nine percent accuracy score shows on the screen.

“If you can do that with it, you can keep it, Jaine.”

I shake my head and smile at Fergal. “Thanks for the offer, but I already have a few of my own.”

I can feel Eoin’s dark penetrating gaze as he silently takes me in. Surprised. Impressed.

“Am I still okay to have Dec drop me off?”

Ava interrupts the stretched silence. Even though everyone can hear what’s being said, for some reason, it still makes me feel like I’m intruding on an intimate conversation between her and Eoin.

I remember when Dec used to drop me off too.

“Yes, of course. Shall I walk you back to the gates?”

“No, it’s okay, Eoin. I don’t want to spoil your fun. If you could message Dec and get him to meet me out front. Let’s just say our goodbyes here.”

Without a word, I turn and walk away.



The O’Connell Home, Darling, New York

As soon as Ava left,I went searching for Jaine, finding her eventually in the downstairs cloakroom of my parents’ home.

She doesn’t seem at all surprised that I’ve sought her out. It’s like she half expected it. Subconsciously, she welcomed it.

I want to know what game she thinks she’s fucking playing.

“Where did you learn to shoot like that?”

It’s déjà vu from when we were at The Meeting Rooms all those months ago. Her standing in front of the basin conversing with my reflection in the mirror. Only this time, she’s not nervous and wearing an exquisite gown. This time, she’s confident and dressed head to toe in her biker attire.

I’m not sure which I prefer.

All of it. Everything.