Page 102 of Dirty Eoin

I wanted to be there for her. But it was neither appropriate nor what she needed. She can’t smile and play happy families with a new husband when she’s still mourning the death of the previous one.

She takes her seat beside me and places her briefcase on the table. Her hand then reaches down to squeeze my thigh. It’s an acknowledgement. She realizes I wanted to be there for her, but I accepted that this was something she had to do alone. With just one touch, she’s letting me know she’s grateful I gave her the space and time she needed.

She then looks around the table.

“We have to find them.” Her firm tone contrasts the utter silence.

“Find who?” Dylan asks.

Jaine stands and starts to slowly pace the floor. “The faction behind this. According to Abel, the Colombians are blackmailing brothers by threatening their families. His life ended because of poor choices. Choices he made because he didn’t know what else to do. How many others are they poisoning the minds of? How many others don’t know what else to do? We can’t just assume this is confined to the MCs.”

“What are you suggesting, Jaine?” I frown at her.

“That we need to explain to our people what to do if they’re approached. And if they already have been, then we need to encourage them to step forward so we can deal with this together and head on. If we don’t, Abel won’t be the only casualty. Who knows, maybe this faction’s plan is to divide and conquer. Whatever the fuck mind games they’re playing, we need to be one step ahead, and that starts with clear lines of communication.”

I nod. She’s right. We seldom call meetings, but maybe we need to share this threat with our high rankers and have them filter it down the Duster masses. Perhaps she could stand by my side as I relay the news. It’s high time our union was formally announced to the rest of the Duster organization.

“We’ll call a meeting with the top tier.”

She nods. “Meanwhile, I’ll speak with Rod, Delaney, and Clay. Jessie, Dylan.” She looks at them in turn. “You speak with Lucifer and Ty. Tell them they need to put on a united front and call church for all three MCs. This affects Colton as a town, not just their own individual clubs. And tell them no bickering or pissing up the wall contests. Now is not the goddamn time.”

“On it, partner.” Jessie salutes her, adding that annoying smirk of hers.

I don’t say anything as she’ll only make some smug, smart-mouthed comment, but it’s good to see the old Jessie resurface.

It’s my turn to speak.

“The key parties behind this faction have remained invisible for quite some time, so it’s clear this isn’t their first rodeo. If we are able to identify them, it’s my guess they won’t be easy to take down. With that in mind, when unearthed, can we rely on The Exterminator to take care of business personally if required.”

Jaine stares at me, her eyes defiant and her chin tilted. “I’m sure the sniper will be only too happy to oblige.”



Eoin's Apartment, Hudson Yards, New York

I’ve turned up unannounced.I’ve had Dec bring me and asked him not to pre-warn Eoin. Has he told him? I guess I’ll never know. It’s not like he’ll tell me even if he has. I think that Dec’s one of Eoin’s own trusted high rankers, so he’ll follow his boss’s orders, not mine.

He’s been tasked with tailing me to keep me out of trouble. What Eoin doesn’t realize is that I don’t need anyone to keep me safe. I’ve been keepingmesafe for years. It’s other people that need to be protected from my engraved bullets.

It’s been ten days since I took Abel’s life. I’ve killed hundreds in my time. His death is the only one that will forever weigh on my conscience because at his age and given the same set of circumstances, I would have done exactly the same thing. I would also have expected the same end result had I been found out. I would never have been naïve enough to think otherwise.

But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier to process.

He was so young. Too young. His whole life ahead of him. What happened to Ace was unintentional on Abel’s part, but it still happened.

Ace is dead.

And Abel might as well have pulled the trigger himself for the part he played.

He made a foolish decision, and he paid the ultimate price.

What his death has done is given me even more incentive to track these goddamn fuckers down. I’m no longer just doing it for Ace. I’m doing it for Abel too now.

I stare at the grey door. It looks like any other, but it’s my guessing it’s everything proof to safeguard the future Irish king. I’ve never been to Eoin O’Connell’s apartment. Dec had to put the relevant codes in for the building entrance and also for the elevator.

Any shared evenings have always been spent at my place.