He snickers. “I never thought I’d see the future Da Duster sporting hickies like a high schooler. So, you finally fucked your wife which means sex without a rubber for the first time in thirty-eight years. How was that for you?”
“That, Dylan, is none of your business. And let’s be clear. What I do intimately with Jaine is not something I intend on sharing with others. And if you know what’s good for you, you will never ask or expect me to.”
He nods with a knowing smirk. “I see she’s brought out your possessive side.”
“Not at all. As my wife, she deserves my respect, that’s all.”
He snickers again. It’s clear he doesn’t believe a word of my fucking lies.
“And are you in love with her all over again?”
“I’m not sure how I feel about her.” It’s the truth.
“But you’re sure that you want a repeat of whatever happened between you last night. I’m not asking for any details. I may not be the most handsome of the O’Connell brothers, but I quite like my facial arrangement as it is, as does Jessie.”
Before I get the chance to reply, there’s a knock on the door.
“Come in.”
“Jaineis on her way up.”
“Thank you, Candice.”
“Should I….” Dylan makes to rise from his chair.
“Stay where you are.”
We both stare at her as she walks in. She’s wearing another pantsuit. Navy. But this time she has a small matching scarf tied around her neck. An accessory that’s no doubt necessary to hide what mymonsterinflicted on the delicate skin of her perfect throat. My fingers are already itching to wrap themselves around it again. To use it as my own accessory and as a means with which to pin her down as I slide my cock into her tight little pussy.
Tempting, evil woman.
Without being offered, she takes the spare seat beside Dylan. She’s clearly playing her uncouth card today.
She seldom if ever wears make-up but she’s wearing lipstick. Blood red. How appropriate for a femme fatale such as her. No doubt it’s to hide the bruising inflicted on her bottom lip by my teeth.
My payback, which I know she enjoyed far more than she’d ever admit.
I want those scarlet lips wrapped around my cock. I want to watch that pouty mouth stain my dick red as it gags on my length. It twitches at the thought.
Placing her briefcase to the side, she stares straight at me. I can see the desire in her eyes. She’s doing nothing to mask it.
I fucked her so many times last night. Each time harder than the last, and each time, she asked for more. She’s insatiable. I’ve never known anything quite like it. I’m surprised she can walk today, let alone sit. I wish Dylan wasn’t here so I could fuck her over this desk.
“I know exactly what you’re thinking, Mr. O’Connell, and it will never goddamn happen.”
“I see your tongue is back to its favorite activity of mouthing off. And what is it that you believe I’m thinking?” I raise an eyebrow at her.
“That you want to fuck me over this desk.”
She side-glances at Dylan, who’s now squirming in his seat not knowing where to look. He won’t speak. He’ll be scared he’ll say the wrong thing and then I’ll want to snap his neck. Or she will.
We both know she’s more than capable. We’re both aware of what she did to the Colombian who tried to throttle Sarah.
“Are you a mind reader now, Mrs. O’Connell?”
“I don’t need to be a mind-reader. Having first-hand experience, I now know exactly what goes on inside that twisted head of yours.”
“Is that right?” I can’t stop my lips from curving upward.