“Okay. Let me rephrase that. Your brain might not want to fuck him, but your body sure as hell does.”
“Even if I was interested, it would be wrong on every goddamn level.”
“Ace wouldn’t want you to be on your own, Jaine.”
“It’s not just about Ace.”
“Paddy’s married.”
“He’s already going to think I cheated on him.”
“He cheated on you.”
“He was nineteen,” I argue.
I shouldn’t be making excuses for Irish. He was young, but he was still old enough to have known better. I guess everything happens for a reason, though. If he hadn’t cheated, would we have stayed together? Would I then have missed out on these last two years with Ace?
I wouldn’t trade that time with him for anything.
“He was at an age where he knew that sticking his dick in another female when he was in a committed relationship with you was the wrong thing to do. Anyway, it’s not my decision to make, but as you’re now married to Eoin, whether that be temporary or otherwise, you do have permission to fuck him and not be judged by me or anyone else. It’s allowed between married couples. Even God himself condones it.”
“Really? Well, that’s good to know. Thanks so much for pointing that out.”
She ignores my half-assed attempt at sarcasm.
“I also wanted to let you know that Roisin’s back from Sicily.” She’s speaking quietly now, no doubt in an effort to break the news gently. I don’t let on that Sarah’s already told me in her typicaljust say it how it is and fuck the consequencesway.
“That’s not so good to know.”
“I gave her your number.”
“Did you now?”
“Well, she is your mother-in-law and the grandma of your little boy.”
“Well, lucky me for hitting the family jackpot twice over.”
“She’s actually not that bad.”
“Says you.” I snort. “She didn’t indirectly threaten your life. Anyway, she’s Team Molly.”
“She’s Team Finian.”
“She hasn’t met him yet.”
“She wants to.”
“It’s in hand. Sarah’s picking him up in the morning, and then taking him to see her and Fergal.”
“Aren’t you going to insist on tagging along in case she tries to abduct him?”
“I trust Sarah, and for some reason, I trust Fergal. I don’t trust Roisin, but what choice do I have?”
“Speaking of daddies. When are you going to pay mine a visit? He’s been asking. I think he just wants to get everything that happened with Ace off his chest now.”
Guilt sweeps through me. I’ve been so focused on my plan I haven’t given Lucifer a single thought. The man willingly stepped in front of a bullet with Ace’s name on and I still haven’t thanked him.
“Next time I’m back in Rising, I’ll take a trip to Nevada at the same time.”