The O’Connell Home, Darling, New York
“Fergal,you’ll wear a hole in the carpet if you’re not careful, and let me tell you, Roisin won’t be best pleased if you do.” Jessie tries to lighten the mood, and for once, I’m grateful. Despite her best efforts, it still doesn’t have the desired effect. Da continues to pace the floor regardless.
He’s agitated, and I know why.
He’s had several covert conversations with Ma since Jaine dropped the Finian bombshell, and that’s only the ones we’re aware of.
Their content? No one knows. Not even me.
My brothers, their wives, and our cousin Aidan are all here. Everyone is dressed casually. Today is about family, not business. There’s no Paddy or Sophia. There’s no Ma or Molly either. Not that the latter is best pleased about her lack of an invitation.
We’re in the family room. It’s a comfy space, all neutral colors with a massive TV hanging from the wall and two large black leather sectionals to lounge on.
Today, there’s no joking or bickering.
Today, the TV is off.
Today, no card games are being played.
The only sounds are the happy gurgles coming from the strawberry blonde-haired Caoimhe. The smiling eleven-month-old girl is sitting on the floor among a huge pile of toys and under the ever-watchful eyes of her proud parents, Sarah and Cillian.
We’re all silent, each of us lost in our thoughts.
Waiting. Wondering.
I glance at Da. I appreciate he’s had a surprise grandson sprung on him, and one he’s about to meet face-to-face for the first time. I also appreciate much of his nervous energy is to do with the fact that the child’s mother is currently residing in the Duster’spublic enemy number onespot. But there’s clearly something else afoot. Something no one else is aware of.
Only Da and Ma.
“Tell me again, please, why Molly wasn’t allowed to be here?” I disturb the silence.
I’m still not sure it’s entirely appropriate that my future wife has been excluded from this extraordinary family meeting. At some point, the past will have to remain in the past. None of it can be undone. She and Jaine will have to tolerate being in the same room together. At some point, they will need to interact and be civil to one another. Fin is family. Blood. And as his mother, that makes Jaine family too now. But so is Molly.
“Molly blatantly threatened the girl, Eoin. That’s likely the reason she suspects we had a hand in her husband’s death. Do you really want to start World War III today when there are wee ones present?”
“I appreciate that, but having to placate an angry Molly who feels pushed to the side simply because Jaine has born a Duster heir makes my life extremely difficult. This situation won’t be able to continue. Molly is the future Ma Duster. As part of this family, Jaine will have to answer to her as the head female whether she likes it or not.”
Da’s saved from answering by the doorbell. We all glance at each other. We know who it is. It’s more in surprise than anything. It never rings. The only people who visit this house are family, and there’s no need for them to ever use the bell.
Why do I get the feeling that Jaine will never see herself as family? That she will always wait to be invited in? That she will always see herself as an outsider?
That she will alwayschooseto be an outsider?
I leave the room to answer the door. As I make my way through the house, I take in the interior of the property. I’m well aware Jaine will scrutinize it. I’m also aware she’ll find it both ostentatious and vulgar. But there’s one thing she can’t accuse my parents of and that’s not being family orientated. There are photos everywhere. The most recent one being the image of Fin that we all simultaneously received.
I open the door and my gaze immediately sinks into hers. I inwardly curse my traitorous eyes for being unwittingly drawn to her time and time again. I can’t seem to stop them from drinking her in. She’s dressed down in camo combats and a white tank top. It’s the outfit she was wearing the first time I met her. Is it deliberate? A reminder of the fact that in this guise I underestimated her? I suppose the professional image doesn’t work in Ma mode. Business suits and baby sick don’t mix.
Maybe I’m overthinking things. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
I’m not sure how I feel seeing her standing with a small child balanced on her hip.
I scan her face. Her bruises are healing and the lump on the side of her head has reduced. Did she think wearing her hair down yesterday hid it?
It didn’t.