Page 37 of Dirty Eoin

“No, Jessie. We don’t.” I reply even though I’m tempted not to bother.

“Didn’t you think to ask her?”

“When she suggested we meet, it was neither the appropriate time nor place to pose such a question.”

“And she wants all of us to hear what she has to say.”

“That’s what she insinuated, yes. But as we’ve all already agreed, Jaine will be dealing with me today.”

“Can I at least say hello to my business partner?”

“Yes, of course you can. We’re all fully aware of how much you’ll struggle to keep that mouth of yours closed,” I bite, then I’m immediately annoyed with myself for reacting to her persistent fucking needling because that’s precisely what she wants.

She ignores my adverse reaction. Instead, she just smirks in that annoying way only she can having achieved her desired result.

“And why isn’t Molly allowed to attend again?”

“Jaine didn’t give a reason.”

“She didn’t have to. It’s obvious.” She rolls her eyes exaggeratedly.

“Is it really?” I’m not sure why she bothered asking the question when she clearly already knows the answer.

I don’t know why I bother replying. She’ll just continue conversing with herself regardless. She has no zip. And no filter. She’s much like Jaine in that regard, but without the cussing.

“Yes, it is. It’s because Molly threatened her and then suggested her success was down to the fact that she has a mattress attached to her back. There’s a word for that. Two, in fact. Professional envy.”

“I’d be very careful what you say about the future Ma Duster.”

The most fitting word to describe Jessie O’Brien is intolerable. Each day she sets her stall out to wind me up, and every day she succeeds. Just as I’m fully aware that Dylan has no time for Molly, I have no time for Jessie.

“Why? What’s she going to do? Shoot me in the head?”

She and Sarah snigger at each other. Those two are as bad as each other at causing trouble and egging each other on. We’ve enough trouble heading our way in the shape of Miss Jones.

“Eoin’s right, Jessie. Jaine isn’t coming here today to take afternoon tea with us all. She’s got an announcement to make, and she wants the Dusters’ full attention when she does so. We don’t need her manipulating the situation any more than she has already.”

Jessie smiles sweetly at Da. “Manipulation is what Jaine does best, Fergal. She’s a lawyer, don’t you know.”

“We realize that, hence why we need to keep the conversation confined to the matter at hand, whatever that may be. While we appreciate you’re her business partner and that you and Sarah are her close friends, please don’t forget that you’re also both O’Connells.”

“Don’t ask me to pick sides, because I won’t.”

Backchat now from Sarah, no doubt inspired by Jessie’s outspokenness.

“No one is asking you to pick a side, Sarah. All we’re asking is that you pipe down and let Eoin handle the woman. Once Miss Jones has left the building, we can then discuss her revelation between us as a family. Which is how it should be. But please can we all just find out what it is first.”

Da’s borderline hissing now, so no one will dare speak further. Not if they know what’s good for them.

He’s annoyed. It’s understandable. Jaine’s calling the shots. She told us she’s coming. Demanded we all be present. And here we are, doing as we’re told like good little mobsters.

There’s a reason for that. For Jaine to insist on delivering whatever the fuck this news is on our turf means it’s something monumental. Something life-changing. And potentially something that means we can’t touch her after it’s been publicly announced.

And I’ll bet she can’t fucking wait.

I look around the table. We’re all here apart from Sophia, Molly, Paddy, and Ma.

I glance once more at Jessie.