Page 36 of Dirty Eoin

Tears threaten, but I blink them back. I’m done crying. I’ve cried me a goddamn river. Tears don’t help. They only hinder. They only drown.

Married or not. Connection or not. I still wish he were here.

This is his breaking news. He deserves to be the first to hear it. But it’s not a reveal that can take place over the phone. And I can’t wait for his return with the date unknown. A date that could be tomorrow. A date that could be never.

I can’t put it off any longer. If not now, then I may decide never to spill my closely guarded secret. And that wouldn’t be fair on anyone. More so Fin. Whether I like it or not, these people are his blood family.

Four females sit side by side behind the mile-long reception desk, the white marble monstrosity rising like a vulgar wave from the ostentatious floor.

The girls are all as to be expected. Decorative. Black-haired. Blue-eyed. Most likely Irish. Their uniformed exteriors are matched right down to the color of their regimented nail varnish and lipstick. All Duster-approved, I’m sure. And probably inspected and signed off by the resident asshole himself.

The one closest looks up at me. Her smile is as fake as the veneered teeth behind it. It’s clear I’m expected as no introduction is necessary.

“Right this way, Miss Jones.”

Polished. Professional. Proficient. I expected nothing less.

We walk to the bank of elevators. I’m shown into the first one, and she presses the button for the top floor.

While traveling up, I take in my reflection in the all-mirrored wall surface. My navy pin-striped suit was hand-made by the best tailor in Manhattan. My overall appearance screams top-tier business professional.

Apart from my face.

I’ve hidden the damage Fergal inflicted as best I can, but the bruising on one cheek from the back-handed slap he gave me is still clearly visible, as is the switchblade cut on the other. A wound that is currently being held together by surgical tape. I’m wearing my hair down in a futile attempt to disguise the golf ball-sized lump on the side of my head which, even now, throbs as a constant reminder of yesterday’s unfortunate events.

Thankfully, my meetings today were all internal. My team is used to me wearing cuts and bruises. No questions are ever asked. Given I’m a biker and who we represent in the main, it’s to be expected that not every day will be challenge-free. They accept that it comes with the territory and that the risks faced are reflected in the exorbitant prices both JAL and JAA charge.

The elevator pings to announce my arrival. The doors open and I step out.


She looks up, and I take in the tall, willowy female who’s positioned just outside the meeting room door. She’s as beautiful as the last time I saw her with her creamy skin, dark hair, and large hazel eyes. I find myself wondering who she’s fucking now since Molly will have put a stop to her daily desk sex shenanigans with Eoin. Then again, maybe she’s still pining over the future Irish king.

She smiles at me. For once, it seems almost genuine.


I smile back. For once, I almost feel sorry for her.


I haven’t seen her since Leo’s function. She was with Cara then. The deceitful blonde who has now departed God’s green earth courtesy of Sarah O’Connell’s blade.

“They’re waiting for you, Jaine.”

I nod. Trepidation butterflies flutter through my stomach. Not because, having heard about them for so long, I’m about to attend my first reservoir dogs-style meeting. I’m not in the least bit nervous about confronting or holding my own with the majority of the O’Connell clan in one sitting. Not at all. I can handle myself in any business arena. It’s because when I say what I have to, it can’t be taken back. Pandora’s box will have been opened and its contents revealed. I have no idea what the reaction or fallout will be. All I know is that from this day forward, everything will change.

For better or worse? A union forged in heaven or hell.

Well, that remains to be seen.



The Hudson Dusters’ HQ, Manhattan, New York

“So,we don’t know why Jaine’s called this meeting.”