Play Gentlemen’s Club, Manhattan, New York
She sits tiedto a chair in a cream trouser suit that’s covered in blood and dirt. One side of her blonde hair is caked in blood, her face is bruised down the same side, and her other cheek is bleeding from where my da’s cut her with a blade.
She’s a mess.
A hot fucking mess.
“Unbind me.” She barks the order at Dylan. She won’t want to interact with me. My brother’s suspicions will be correct, I’m sure. That she believes me guilty of playing a part in Ace’s murder. And now here’s my da almost ending her life.
Who can blame her for thinking the Dusters have it in for her?
Dylan represents the safest ground. Despite everything, there’s still a modicum of trust there. He’s the best of a bad bunch in her eyes.
Well, aside from our Paddy.
But given what she’s gone out of her way to witness today, she must know that he’s now lost to her forever.
What was she thinking?
I look at my da, but his eyes are trained on her.
Watching her. Observing her. Taking her in.
Can he now see what I see?
Not that it matters. Whatever toxic relationship Jaine and I fleetingly shared is over. I’m scheduled to fly to Dublin next week to meet with Molly’s da.
Da wanted to meet Jaine. Had asked to do so.
Well, now he has.
But Jesus Christ, it should have been under different circumstances.
Dylan remains silent as he unties her. He won’t know what to say. That the patriarch of our family has acted in such an appalling manner. He’ll be angry. Maybe even ashamed. That her first interaction with our da has seen her strapped to a chair and manhandled.
But then, we are mobsters, and she did turn up to a family event uninvited. In his defense, my da has never seen her before. He had no idea who she was when he abducted her. Yes, he acted without thinking. But his family was threatened today, and quite understandably, he reacted.
Never trifle with an Irishman’s flesh and blood. And definitely not one as unhinged as my da.
I’m sure he’ll be annoyed with himself. Not that he’ll ever admit as much to anyone outside of the immediate family. More so to Jaine Jones.
All actions have consequences.
I’m sure she’ll let us know what those are in due course. Because there will be payback for today.
“Should I ask Jessie to come, Jaine?” Dylan volunteers quietly.
“You will do no such goddamn thing. What happened goes no further than this room.” she hisses at him, but the laced-with-venom warning is loud for a reason. It’s directed at all of us.
He stops what he’s doing and stares at her.
“There will be repercussions if it does, Dylan O’Connell. You have my word on that.” She blatantly threatens him.
He nods his agreement before continuing to unbind her, silent once more.
Will she go to the pigs? She’s a lawyer. She could quite easily have my da sent down for the rest of his life for what he’s done to her. But she’d never betray her own kind. So, what exactly does she mean?