Page 21 of Dirty Eoin

I’m sure if asked, each attendee would have paid handsomely for their invitation given the business cards on offer here today. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many on both sides of the law.

Light streams in through each stained-glass window as we make our way to the heavy, bronzed entrance doors, smiling politely but dismissively at anyone who tries to stop us. The time for mingling, fake niceties, and talking business comes later.

The priority is putting an end to the misery our Paddy’s been under these past two years.

“Eoin. Brother.” I clench my jaw fleetingly before turning to take in Luciano Ruocco, Sophia’s elder brother.

Thirty years old, tall, olive-skinned with black hair that he wears tied back at the nape of his neck, and with well-groomed facial hair. From what I can gather, he’s a favorite with the elite ladies of New York and so has likely bedded most of the females present today. Married or otherwise and with or without their husband’s consent I’m led to believe, hence why he’s currently on the receiving end of an array of disgruntled looks from several of the male guests. He’s either too arrogant or too stupid to care.

He will never be mybrotherregardless of what he may think.

I offer my hand, but instead, the Sicilian pulls me in, kissing me exaggeratedly on both cheeks before slapping me hard on the back.

“We are family now, eh? Today will see the joining of the Ruoccos and the O’Connells. It’s a good day for business, no?”

He smiles. It’s as fake as his teeth and his over-the-top greeting. I offer a small one back in return. I don’t like him. I have never liked him. But as the don of the Sicilian mafia, I must tolerate him.

“Yes indeed, Luc. Let today mark the day that the Dusters and the Cosa Nostra become firm allies.”

His gaze shifts slightly, and his smile seems more fixed. I’m sure most wouldn’t have picked up on it, but I did.

What the fuck is going on? Something clearly is.

“Yes, our organizations will of course be allies, Eoin.” His fake smile widens further.

“If you’ll please excuse me, Luc.”

Making my way past the heavy entrance doors, I see who I’ve been waiting for getting out of his car. I walk down the stairs to intercept him before he can vanish inside the building.

“Leoluca. I’m glad you could make it.”

Ever since I saw him at the Palace withher, I’ve needed to know why. Given the awkward interaction I’ve just experienced with Luc, it’s my guess the two are related, and I want fucking answers.

“Eoin.” He frowns slightly. Is it over the last time we met and the events that subsequently unfolded, or is it over what’s about to take place here today?

“A word, please.”

“Of course.”

I stand back as he talks in hushed whispers with his driver, who glances in my direction before shifting his attention back to his boss and nodding.

“Come. Let us talk in the car.”

We both follow his man to the waiting vehicle. I get straight to the point as soon as the car door is closed.

“Is there something going on that the Dusters need to be made aware of, Leoluca?”

He frowns. “I’m sorry, Eoin. You’ll have to explain.”

“I’ve just had an informal chat with Luc during which he was extremely vague and non-committal when I brought up the alliance between the Dusters and the Cosa Nostra. Are there changes afoot that could jeopardize that relationship? As you will appreciate, we’ve been waiting two years for today’s union to take place.”

“Luc is vague and non-committal about many things, as you know, Eoin.”

He smiles, but I can immediately sense that something is off.

“While I appreciate that’s one of several rather unfortunate character traits of his, what I’m asking is is there anything the Dusters should be concerned about? The content of your recent meeting with Jaine Jones, perhaps.”

He pauses before responding. “Jaine is my personal lawyer, but then I’m sure you already know that.”