Our Padraig.
She loves my baby brother too much to ever cause him pain. She’d rather self-flagellate from now until eternity than ever allow him to suffer. Everything she’s done these past years she’s done for him. Her love for him will see her loyal and protective always. Same as it did with Ace. Same as it does with her two boys.
Same as it’s doing now for Eoin.
She will simply absorb, and she will carry on. She may stumble and fall at times, but she gets back up, dusts herself down, and keeps right on.
She has to. She’s never had any choice.
Ma’s already confirmed that Paddy has given his blessing to their union, so why can’t Jaine and Eoin be together if that’s what they really want?
* * *
“Can you manage?”
“I’m not an invalid, Dylan.”
It’s been three days. I’m driving Eoin back from the hospital. Ignoring his protestations, I help him maneuver his way inside the back of the SUV. He rests his head against the seat. Even with my help, he’s exhausted and got a sweat on. It’s an alien feeling seeing my big brother weak. I’m pretty sure it’s an alien feeling for him too. He’s always been the strong one, but right now, he looks tired. It’s like he’s worn out with it all.
And I’m sure it’s not just his health that he’s exhausted with.
I switch the engine into life.
“If you want to regain full strength, you need to not be hate-fucking your ex-wife in the back of an SUV.” He needs to start listening to what the doctors are telling him, or he’ll never be back to where he was physically.
He glares at me.
“Your sex ban has been extended until you’re given the all-clear. I was there when Dr. Kelly passed judgement. I know it will be hard for you given abstinence isn’t really your thing…”
“Where’s Dec?” he interjects, obviously not best pleased at being reminded that he’s on a sex hiatus for the foreseeable future and that the only thing he can fuck is his hand. I had a self-inflicted one for thirty years. I’m sure he can manage without for six weeks or so.
“He’s sparring with Jaine.”
I look in the rear-view mirror and watch as he frowns. He’s in pain, but it’s not that that’s affecting his face. He’s frowning because he’s not liking the thought of Dec putting his hands on Jaine, even though it was he who suggested she use him.
Just Eoin being madly possessive over the woman he’s madly in love with.
I wait until we’re on the road, then I switch on the music.
It’s a CD.
Tim said that sometimes certain songs can trigger the memories of people who have been in a coma.
This is Plan A. I also have a Plan B which I’ve listened to in its entirety and which even I didn’t survive with dry eyes, so Eoin’s got no chance.
I’ve never seen my big brother cry. I think he will when he hears that content, not that he’ll ever admit as much to anyone.
I press play and the song fills the space. Their song, chosen by Jaine.
Seemingly, my big brother wanted them to share a song. Tears prick my eyes when I realize that, despite having everything, all he ever wanted was normalcy, and with her.
The intro plays. I glance at him in the rear-view mirror.
I’m disappointed. I wanted it to trigger something. When she wasn’t talking at him all night, she’d share her ear pods with him and play their song on repeat.
According to Tim, Eoin’s brain activity went through the roof whenever Jaine was around, so he knew she was right there with him, even if he can’t remember a thing.