Page 170 of Dirty Eoin

I laugh out loud. “Once again, it’s conversing, not nagging!”

I’ve fallen into a routine where I’m having a one-sided conversation with Eoin from the minute I get here until the moment I leave. Telling him about my day and my life, both past and present.

I’d give anything to hear one of his pompous responses. Sometimes I think I do, but then I look at him, and he’s still sleeping.

No one knows I’ve been coming here at night. Maybe they think I haven’t bothered to come at all. Perhaps that’s for the best. I’d rather no one pretend to just bepassing bybecause they feel the need to drop in to keep me company, thinking they were doing me a favor.

They wouldn’t be. This is my time. Our time.

He wanted me to let him in and I have. There’s not much I haven’t told him over the past four nights. He may not remember any of it, but I’ve spilled my guts all the same. Tim said I should be prepared for the fact that something may trigger these memories for Eoin one day. Maybe by then I’ll have had the chance to say it all face to face, so it won’t matter.

I spoke with Dr. Kelly at length earlier today. The family has agreed that the drugs that have being keeping him in the coma all this time can be stopped. The brain swelling has reduced significantly. Early indications are that he should make a complete recovery with no lasting ill effects, although that still can’t be guaranteed. We won’t know anything for sure until he wakes up, and even though the drugs have been withdrawn, we still have no idea how long that will take.

All we can do now is wait.

* * *


I jerk awake and stare up at Tim from the chair.

“Is he….” I sit bolt upright and look at Eoin. While he’s still a swathe of white bandages, his bruising has significantly reduced, and he has way less wires and tubes. He’s looking far more like his normal self.

“He’s fine, Jaine. There’s been no change. Sorry, I was called away on an emergency and I’ve only just returned to the desk. I thought it best I wake you as the others will be arriving soon.”


He frowns. “You don’t need to run. It’s to be expected that his wife would want to be at his bedside, surely?”

“They don’t know that I’ve been here, Tim.”

His frown deepens. “Still? Why the big secret?”

I run my hand down my face.

“You just wanted it to be you and him.”

I nod. “We’re sort of estranged you see. I’m his wife, but then I’m not. It’s complicated. We’re complicated. His whole family is complicated.”

“That all sounds very…. complicated.”

I smile and roll my eyes exaggeratedly. “I’m going to get out of here. I’ll just grab a coffee from the machine first.”

I stand and stretch before bending to place a gentle kiss on Eoin’s lips.

“I’m going off duty shortly, Jaine. I’ve asked the nurse taking over to let me know if there’s any change. I’ll let you know if I hear anything.”

I place my hand on his upper arm in thanks. “I’m sorry for all the cloak and dagger, Tim, but it really is for the best.”

With a smile, he squeezes my hand with his own in silent acceptance.

I make my way along the corridor and into the restroom. It’s white and clinical, the same as everywhere else in this place. I wash my face and hands before staring at my reflection in the mirror. I look exhausted. My skin is pale, and my hair is lank. I’m surviving each day on whatever sleep I can get on the chair beside his bed, but it’s not a lot because I spend all my time watching over him.

Duke and the children have moved back in with Roisin and Fergal. At the moment, I’m spending my nights here, and my days there. In a few days, the kids and I will be moving into the safe space underneath the property and will remain there for the foreseeable future.

I have no choice.

Like the Malky situation, this new threat wasn’t veiled. It was blatant and a deliberate attack, made in the cold light of day and right outside a Duster property. My own son the target.