Page 13 of Dirty Eoin

“The club will pass to Clay now.”

“I know how the process works, Duke.”

There’s another pause, this time on my side.

“Ace told you, didn’t he?”

He knows exactly what I’m asking.

“He did. But he only confirmed what I’d already figured out for myself.”

“And how did you do that?” My voice is calm. I’m not angry, just curious. Pretty soon it will be common knowledge that my eldest son is an O’Connell. If anyone deserves to know in advance of that breaking news, it’s Duke.

“I’ve spent time with Cillian over the years and since the alliance was formed. I’m aware his and Fin’s birthmarks are identical.”

I turn to look at him, frowning and shaking my head. “He’s not…”

He smiles and interjects “I know he’s not Cillian’s boy. He’s Padraig’s.”

I exhale.

He turns away and stares into the distance, lost in his thoughts. I do the same. It’s several minutes before either of us speaks again.

“I’d like to come with you if that’s all right. To New York. There’s nothing keeping me in Rising now my boy’s gone, and I’d like to see my grandchildren grow up.”

Guilt spears me that I’m sitting here selfishly wallowing in my own grief and self-pity without sparing a thought to what Duke’s lost.

His only child. His son.

“And what about Darla?”

“She’s staying here. Rising is home for her. She has her two boys and their families. My home is where my family is. And that’s you, Fin, and little Jason Junior.”

I glance at him briefly. “And you’re okay with leaving her behind?”

He shrugs. “We were only ever companions, Jainie. She knows if she wants to pay us a visit in the future, then she’s more than welcome to.”

I stare at the views over Rising this plot affords before turning to look at him once more. “But you were born here, Duke. In this town.”

He shrugs again. “And maybe, like my boy, I’ll die here someday too. Then again, maybe I won’t. I’d still like to come with you all the same. It’s not like I can’t ever come back. We’ll both need to from time to time. To visit Jeremiah. To visit Ace. But you’re also going to need all the help you can get.”

He’s right, of course. I’ve been trying to figure out how I’ll manage juggling a business with two babies. More so when there are so few people I’d trust them with.

I pause before I answer. Not because I need time to think about it. I don’t. It’s more that I’m feeling overwhelmed that Duke would give up everything he’s ever known just for me.

“I’d like that, Duke. For you to come with me. I’d like that a lot.” We can both hear the break in my voice as the wave of emotion threatens to drown me once more. He reaches over and squeezes my hand.

“I was thinking, though, that maybe I’ll delay my return. Just for a little while.”

“The boy needs to know his father, Jainie. You can’t put it off any longer.” Duke’s reply is both instant and firm.

“You’re forgetting that Ace was murdered in cold blood.”

“I’m well aware of that.”

“And there’s nothing to say that the O’Connells weren’t behind that.”

He exhales. “I doubt that very much.”