His question caught me off guard, but I answered honestly.

“It might sound silly, but I’ve always wanted to be a social worker, which I’m studying at college now. I want to help families who are having rough times, especially young people. I also want a big family.” I pause, blushing slightly. “I must sound so dorky. You must think I want a white picket fence, too.”

He laughed, the sound genuine, coaxing me to join him.

“It’s absolutely beautiful to hear how much you care. We need more people in our world like you.”


Leaning against the doorway, the hard wooden frame pressing into my shoulder, I stared out at the scene playing before me. The girls around the fire were chattering and listening to Mason playing guitar.

But my focus wasn’t on the group. It was on a single person.


She sat close to Logan, their sides almost touching. Then she laughed at something he said in a way I’d never seen before. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. How did he do it? How did he manage to put her at ease so quickly when all I did was tie myself up in knots around her?

I’d promised myself not to let my feelings for any of the girls influence me, yet there I was, watching Katerina with hunger.

She leaned in toward Logan as he moved closer to her. My heart clenched, my jaw tightened. Damn it, even Mason was looking her way more often than usual. It was clear. She was affecting all of us.

Her strength, resilience, and courage were awe-inspiring. I’d read her file and knew what she’d gone through, yet there she was, smiling despite it all. She carried a fire inside her that I found intoxicating.

As I watched her by the flame, her laughter filling the night air, I knew that despite the insanity of it all, I was falling for her. Against all logic, against my vows to Mason that I wouldn’t touch any of the girls, I was succumbing to her allure.

My grip tightened on the door frame. The splintered wood dug into my palm, but I barely noticed the pain. All I could think about was Katerina, and how, despite everything, I desperately wanted her to be mine.

The breeze picked up, stirring the fire and sending flickers of orange sparks into the air. It also swept through Katerina’s long, blonde hair dancing around her face like tendrils of gold. They caught in the firelight, and I was mesmerized by the way they seemed to burn with a life of their own.

In my mind, I saw myself reaching out and curling those wild strands over my fist, feeling their silky weight against my skin. I imagined the faint rose scent of her shampoo mixed with the intoxicating musk of her skin. I’d be standing behind her, forcing her onto her hands and knees. Then I’d fuck her so hard, tugging on her hair, making her scream for me.


What was happening to me?

Pushing off the doorframe, I forced myself to look away from her. My hands were shaking, the image of her hair tangled in my fist still vivid in my thoughts. I squeezed my eyes shut, taking a deep breath in an attempt to regain some semblance of control.

Yet, despite my efforts, the image of Katerina, her laughter, her hair blowing in the wind, and the tempting images, clung to me.


Stepping into the dining hall for breakfast, I instantly felt a shift in the atmosphere. There was a strange heaviness in the air, whispers flitting around the room like mosquitoes on a hot summer’s night. My stomach churned with unease. It felt as if all eyes were on me.

No Fathers were at the breakfast table, and Lily hadn’t arrived yet. A flare of paranoia sparked in me. Was everyone talking about me?

My thoughts were interrupted when Louise pushed her way through a group of girls, her voice carrying across the room.

“Stop your jealous chatter! Just because Father Logan chose Katerina doesn’t mean you have to be petty about it.”

Horror swept over me, a sickening lurch in my stomach. I quickly grabbed Louise by the arm, pulling her aside. “What are you doing?”

She sighed, rolling her eyes. “Oh please, after last night, everyone’s talking about how close you got to Father Logan. Some even said you went to his room afterward.”

I felt my face drain of blood. “That’s not true!”

“I know, I know,” Louise said, waving a dismissive hand. “I’ve been telling them that all morning. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, bestie.” She smiled broadly, clearly enjoying the drama a bit too much for my comfort. “Now, let’s grab some food.”

I couldn’t. The whispering, the rumors, the unease… it was too much. Mumbling an excuse about not feeling well, I turned and fled the dining hall, ignoring Louise’s confused call.