Page 17 of Painted Love

I fling the door open and head to Piper's room first, wanting to create some kind of plan of attack. We need a strategy; I don't know what I was thinking just going to bed last night without any idea what we're going to say.

But when I get to Piper's room, she's not there.

Shit shit shit!

I race down the stairs and look into the kitchen, opening my mouth and preparing an excuse...but Piper and my mom are sitting at the kitchen table together, sharing a pot of coffee. Piper looks over with wide eyes and my mom smiles softly, her face still too thin from chemo, but warm and friendly.

"Good morning, Jesse," she says, like nothing is wrong here.

I blink and close my mouth. "Uh..."

"I think the appropriate response is 'good morning,'" Piper laughs.

"You...I..." I pause. "What's going on here?"

"I'm having a chat with my future daughter-in-law," my mom says, and Piper blushes. "Now get yourself a coffee and join us. You both have a lot of explaining to do."

Chapter ten


Isleeplikearock...right up until the sun breaks through the window.

I lie in bed for a long time, not sure what to do. I didn't ask Jesse for a phone charger so my phone is dead--and I don't have a laptop. There are no bookshelves here either, and I can't exactly entertain myself that way.

I want to paint. I miss my apartment, my home.

I miss Jesse.

I wish we were in bed together, waking up in the morning light, our baby between us. I can picture that future so clearly, Jesse kissing my neck, his arms around me...

My stomach rumbles.

Pregnancy hunger is very much a thing.

I shouldn't go downstairs...but I can be quiet and grab something then come right back up, along with a phone charger. I get out of bed and softly open the door, then pad down the hall in my PJs. As I reach the stairs, I hear a faint sound coming from the kitchen. It sounds like someone is preparing breakfast already. I hesitate for a moment, wondering if I should turn back and wait until someone comes to my room.

But the hunger is too much, and I slowly make my way down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. As I reach the kitchen, I peek around the corner and see a man with his back turned to me, standing at the stove.

He's shirtless, and the muscles in his back and shoulders are defined and taut. I can't help but stare, taking in the sight.

Suddenly, he turns around and sees me.


I'm caught.

His eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly recovers and gives me a small smile.

"Good morning," he says, his voice deep and smooth. He's got a trimmed beard and dark hair, and I can see the resemblance with Jesse and Caleb. Yeah...definitely another Hart.

How many of them are there?

"Good morning," I reply, trying to hide my embarrassment at being caught staring. Not only that...but I need to make a quick escape. I'm not even supposed to be here.

"I'm Jake," he introduces himself, holding out his hand. "You must be uh...I'm sorry, are you one of the wives?"

The wives.What is this, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers?