Page 88 of Holiday Home

I just got out of the shower a bit ago. Would you like a picture?

Nope. No chance of any sleep tonight.

Grimacing, he counted five seconds in his mind before letting his fingers dance across his screen like a tornado.


She must have taken the picture directly after her shower, meaning she’d texted himbecauseshe wanted to share it. That exhilarating fact wasn’t lost on him as an image he would treasure forever appeared on his screen.

Hair soaked and clinging to her beautiful face, she’d cleared enough fog off her mirror to snap an image of the upper half of her body. She didn’t have a towel on.

With one arm, she’d covered her nipples, but that was the only portion of her skin she’d hidden from him. Beads of water covered her smooth skin, and that must have been where the moisture in his mouth went, for it dried up like a desert at the sheer sexiness of the image.

What do you think?Tess asked a few moments later.

Avril’s reminder chimed only once in his head, and he let his fingers shareexactlywhat was on his mind when he saw the lewd picture.

You’re so fucking sexy. I already want to be back over there.

I’ll be free all day tomorrow after you’ve gotten Anna to Avril.

Meaning I can come over the second I have?

I’d be a bit upset if you didn’t.

Liam grinned at the playful aura surrounding the messages darting between them. This was another thing he’d dreamed about doing for so long, and now he was living his dream. The speed of it still left him caught up in wonderment. From not having her phone number a couple of days ago to now receiving sultry images from her and flirting in bed.

I wouldn’t ever want to do that. I’d much rather you end up like how you were this morning.

He could palpably feel Tess’s blush through the short pause that followed.

So do I. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, Liam.

Beaming at his phone, their conversation lasted another hour. Things drifted to a wide variety of topics, though the discourse always simmered with a flirtatious edge. It gave Liam the confidence to believe he wasn’t the only one hoping for tomorrow’s quick arrival.

Unfortunately for them both, even after wishing the other a goodnight, sleep didn’t come soon at all. For Tess, as she’d tell him the following day, she ended up rooting around in her fridge for a snack half an hour past midnight. Liam lasted until two in the morning before his eyelids grew heavy enough to find six or seven hours of slumber.

Late into the next morning, he met up with Anna and Tess at the latter’s doorway. With the exception of Tess, who couldn’t seem to stifle the myriad of yawns escaping her mouth, they’d dressed for the long trudge out of his neighborhood.

“Avril’s said she’s on her way,” Anna confirmed before they set out.

“You two be safe,” Tess said, wiping some sleep from her eyes. “And Anna, you’re welcome over here anytime. Just do it before the next blizzard is underway.”

Coloring slightly before the final admonishment for her reckless behavior, she nodded. “Thank you for having me. I’ll come get my car once the snow melts a bit more.”

Tess nodded. “Maybe you can take it back with you on Christmas Eve? Assuming you’re still coming?”

The question drew Liam’s gaze toward the beautiful younger woman. Only a second’s delay kept away Anna’s nod. When it arrived, it was imbued with vigor.


With that, the two snowy explorers began their trek. It wasn’t a long walk, maybe ten minutes on a typical day. The snow elongated that time by almost double. Their antics, once they got started, added a bit more.

“So, any thoughts on what I should get you for Christmas?” Liam asked as they tromped away from his and Tess’s home. He watched a spew of white fog plume in front of his face. It hadn’t gotten any warmer. The snow would definitely last long enough for a white Christmas.

“You don’t need to get me anything,” she immediately responded, even seeming slightly flustered by his sudden inquiry.

“Come on, we’ve been through this. I can’t not get you something. I can already see Tess and Avril’s disappointed looks if I don’t.”