Chapter Twenty-Eight
Five Minutes in Heaven
The very moment that Tess’s lips touched his cock, the kind of thrill that Liam knew he would never get tired of coursed through his body. Staring at him with full awareness of how potently she was affecting him, Tess kept her lips pursed as they met the precum oozing out of his cock. Pushing her head down as though her jaw was trapped closed, his cock was the only reason her lips parted. Torturously slow, her lips separated around his cock, keeping nestled tight against his sensitive member.
Liam gulped, finding oxygen in short supply in the igloo. Smiling at him with her eyes, Tess captured the tip of his cock into her lips, only to pause. It was a curious tactic, given the short time she’d given herself to make him cum.
She batted away his curiosity the moment she began to twirl her tongue along the underside of his cockhead, replacing it with bliss. Back and forth, as if she were making a painting, she brushed her tongue over his cock. As Liam felt himself battered by an unexpected pleasure due to the snug fit her lips had created, she sent her tongue to the sides of his glans.
As he clenched his teeth, a heavy breath squeezing through his teeth, Tess twisted her head so she could get her tongue around to the top of his glans. All the while, her eyes remained focused on him.
Liam dropped his head back to the towel beneath him, shutting his eyes momentarily. Tess took full advantage of his weakening resistance, pulling her lips away with a lewd plopping sound, then running her tongue down his shaft in one languid but euphoric act.
“Oh, fuck,” he whispered, craning his head back up to watch her repeat the act, only going up this time.
Tess beamed at him, clearly feeling quite accomplished. “I’d edge you even more if I didn’t need to keep this relatively quick. We’ll get to see how hard you can cum when that happens.” She pursed her lips, then skimmed them down the side of his shaft. “Not this time, though.”
Returning her lips to the tip of his cock, she let him draw in a single steadying breath. Her maddening assault began immediately afterward.
Like an elevator dropping from the penthouse to the basement garage, her lips fell along his shaft inch by inch. Liam’s thighs turned into iron, and he leaned up on his elbows, not wanting to miss even a second of the lewd act. Tess continued looking at him as she proved that she could deepthroat him, though she paused once his cock had disappeared entirely between her warm lips.
Drawing herself up, she removed her lips from his cock and allowed herself a quick exhale.
“You’re big, Liam. I’ve got my work cut out for me.”
He turned scarlet because of the compliment, and Tess dropped her gaze. With this next long bob of her head, she hurled him onto a battleground that he had barely any chance of winning on.
Tess sucked him off until he could barely comprehend his surroundings. She wasted no time playing around. Now that she knew she could get his cock into her throat, she proved it a hundred times in quick succession. With expert speed and rhythm, she dropped her head, brunette hair pooling on his thighs, and mercilessly deepthroated him.
Each rapid bob of her tawdry lips struck down his ability to think or speak, and he turned into a moaning mess before she’d brought her lips back to the base of his shaft a dozen times. With both her hands free, she set them on his thighs, lightly drawing her nails over them. She hummed, battering him with pleasurable vibrations each time she withdrew her lips to the head of his cock.
She hadn’t been lying about being talented at this. Just another reason in a long line why Douglas was the biggest fool of the century.
Already flagging to keep himself from exploding, Liam tried to read her phone, but the damn thing had shut off. Amusement twinkling in her eyes, Tess moved one of her hands away from his thigh, tapping her screen. As its light reignited, she held the phone up so they could both see it without turning their necks much.
“Over halfway there,” Tess purred, flicking her tongue out to taste his precum. “Keep it up, Liam. I believe in you.”
Liam’s voice faltered before he could retort to her teasing, and he spent the next minute digging his fingers through the towel beneath him fiercely enough to pierce the hard snow packed beneath it.
Delight shining in her eyes, Tess bobbed her head even faster, creating lewd sounds each time his cock throbbed within her throat. After putting her phone back down, she began to skim her fingertips over his inner thigh. As cruel rapture descended upon him, Liam dropped his head back onto the ground and just tried to hold out as long as he could.
Tess didn’t relent. The kindhearted, caring woman he’d known had been replaced by as cruel a seductress as he’d ever met. Even Avril would have taken some time off her maddening bombardment, if only to tease him.
Shutting his eyes tight again, his lower back arched up. With it, his hips raised themselves. His whole body began to yield as he fought to control the climax building inside of him like a flood kept at bay by a meek, crumbling dam. She was suffocating him underneath the rhythm of her bobbing head. Pleasure thrilled through him like electricity, and he couldn’t hear anything over the roar of his heart.
Until he did.
They both did.
Vibrations, and not the pleasurable kind caused by her throat when she had him cocooned there.
Liam’s eyes shot open, and he scavenged enough bodily control to raise himself on his elbows and stare at Tess’s phone, which was vibrating softly. The screen had turned back on, and even though he had to read the single word upside down, surrounded by an orange border, he saw the request it made for the vibrating to end.
Tess didn’t listen to what her phone had to say. She let it keep vibrating, tolling his victory, as she deepthroated him until she accomplished exactly what she’d told him she’d do for him if he could hold out.