Page 31 of Holiday Home

Pressing a finger to his lips, she stifled his stammering denial. Her eyes glinted with a concoction of playfulnessandindignation as she leaned in, practically putting her nose against his.

“Don’t lie,” she said. “There’s egg all over your face, you jackass. You’d assumed that I was some stupid bimbo up until about fifteen seconds ago. Admit it.”

“That’snothow I thought of you,” he protested, though her fiery stare burned brighter for it. “I just didn’t expect you to be…thissmart.” He winced, hearing how bad it sounded to say something like that out loud.

“I might not get Anna’s grades, but I’m graduating from Bellmore in one more semester,” she growled, dropping her finger from his lips so she could prod him on the chest. “I’m definitely smarter than some asshole freshman out of Perrymont. Got it?”

“I got it,” Liam said.

“And you can apologize now too.”

“I’m sorry. Honestly.”

After a second spent tasting his apology, Avril wrinkled her nose. “Nah, that’s not enough. Say, ‘I’m sorry that I’m such a dumbass, and I’d be lucky if you continued to help me, but please, please, I can’t do anything without your help.’”

Quelling an urge to sigh, Liam decided that everything would go over smoother if he accepted his lumps.

“I’m sorry that I’m such a dumbass, and I’d be lucky if you continued to help me, but please, please, I can’t do anything without your help.”

“You’d make a terrible actor,” Avril snorted. “I didn’t believe that at all.” She dismissed his response with a wave of her hand and playfully bumped her shoulder against his again. “Whatever, let’s just get back on topic. So, Tess, lonely, you, patient and considerate. That’s the game plan. Capiche?”

“Capiche,” he echoed, though maybe he was what she’d made him declare himself as, because he couldn’t really see how this would lead her to see him in a romantic sense. They alreadywereclose. She’d mentioned the inertia of the issues that he needed to overcome for them to stop just being friends. “So… I just try and spend more time with her?”

“Ding, ding, ding, he’s beginning to believe, Morpheus.” Avril took another drink of her daiquiri. “Question: when do you usually see her?”

“When we happen to both be outside, I guess.

“So, you probably don’t see each other as much during the winter, do you?”

“No, you’re right.” He frowned. However, while he fretted, Avril languidly smirked.

“That’s obviously not going to fly. You need to see her regularly—every day, if you can pull it off. So, you’re going to take your ass over to her house and spend time with her. You’re going to do it tonight. You’re going to try and get her to say that you’re welcome over anytime. And if she does say that, you are going to take her up on her kind offer and pretty much move in next door. Understand? Become omnipresent in her life if she’ll let you. Watch TV with her, eat dinner with her, chat on the couch with her. Make her laugh, smile, all that shit. Basically, give her a good time as often as you can, and maybe she’ll develop some romantic feelings for you.”

“So, I should just knock on her door and ask to come in?”

“Yesss,” Avril said, as if it were obvious. “Just go see what she’s up to every day. Invite her over to your house if you want to, or take her to a restaurant, or ask her if there’s anywhere she wants to go. Just. Be. Active. This is quite literally your best opportunity. She’s away from all the men fawning over her on campus, it’s fucking cold out, and no one wants to go out alone, and you have me coaching you. The stars have aligned; you just need to get after it.”

The idea of doing such a thing left his stomach tumultuous and queasy. Regardless, he heard the sense in Avril’s battleplan. Gradually, like the food dissolving inside his gut, he acclimated himself to the fact that her plan was his best hope.

“All right, then that’s what I’ll do.”

“Good boy.” Avril arched her willowy body in the booth, and he thought she might be planning to shift back to the other bench. However, the crackling look that leaped toward him informed him otherwise. “Now, let’s circle back to your lesson and finish it up.”

She stole a fry from his plate, then cut it in half between her gleaming white teeth. She then offered him the truncated length of potato, her usual smirk reforming for its next shift after completingitslunch break.

Liam left his hands on his lap. He tilted forward and snatched the fry with his teeth. Smiling, the auburn-haired temptress stole another fry off his plate. She devoured this one in its entirety.

“I gave you the bad news earlier about how we all want to hear different things. Now, here’s the good news.” She leaned in, stiffening more than just his spine as a hand slid onto his thigh. Her eyes raked down his chest, smiling at the evidence of her handiwork. “Let’s say Tess was the one giving you that handjob you got yesterday. She’d probably get off just from hearing you moan and tell her how amazing she is. Earnest compliments and reactions are fuel to the fire for a woman like her. All you have to do with her is let the honey flow. Simple, right?”

“You’re not luring me into a false sense of security so you can drop a ‘but’ on me, are you?”

Avril flashed a vibrant smile. “Now, Liam, if I were to lure you anywhere, I would obviously plan to dropmybutt on you, not just any old butt.”

His cock twitched under his pants, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and lewd thoughts clanged together in his head with the manic raucousness of a mad symphony of pots and pans. Was he reallythateasy to rev up? Based on everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours with the beautiful redhead, the answer seemed to be an overwhelming yes.

“Is that going to be one of my lessons?” he asked, voice strained by the lust burbling inside of him.

“That depends on you,” she purred, running her hand over the outline of his cock. “It’s one of the more advanced courses, so you’ll have to get good grades in the beginner ones to apply.”