Page 29 of Holiday Home

And yeah, that includes my help involving getting Tess’s attention. You’ll have that sexy professor going down on you in no time. ;)

Liam swallowed dryly, and the willpower he’d been gradually summoning to end his deal with Avril wilted rapidly. Maybe… maybe it was better like this. After all, he wasn’tactuallydating Anna now.

Chewing on his lower lip, he eventually concluded that the current outcome was far more morally acceptable than the alternative where he really was dating Anna but was simultaneously pursuing Tess. Which allowed him to type out a reply to Avril, letting her know that he was available whenever tomorrow.

With his plans for the next two days in place, Liam headed home. Collapsing into his bed after a hot shower, a new figure, as sultry as she was dynamic, made herself known in his dreams.

Chapter Fourteen


The next day, December 18th, he and Avril met up for lunch at a steakhouse she’d suggested upon messaging him in the early afternoon. The relaxed atmosphere and their server’s kind smile as she took their orders did little to quell the butterflies rampaging inside his belly. It didn’t help that Avril had hugged him until his body had started to melt into hers upon meeting him outside the entrance. Nor the sultry whisper into his ear about a lewd dream she’d claimed to have had about him last night, which he suspected was a lie meant only to redden his already scarlet face further. He didn’t mention his own erotic dream about her.

From the moment she’d jaunted up to him, wearing a snug sweater and jeans, auburn ponytail bouncing behind her, she’d begun infecting him with her jubilant mood. She was all smiles and laughs while they waited for their food, as congenial a force as he’d ever encountered. It didn’t take long before he let himself ride the uplifting wave of cheerfulness brimming within their booth. It was simply fun to be around Avril Knight.

“Be honest, did you actually enjoy ice skating last night?” she said after sipping from the strawberry daiquiri she’d ordered.

“Well, yeah. I liked being there with you both.”

“No, no,” she said, cutting the air with a hand wave. “Did you enjoy theskatingpart of it?”

“Uh, yeah, it was pretty fun. I do want to go with you all again.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Avril said, grinning. It was evident that she was scheming something. “So, I can’t help but wonder why you didn’t ask for a detailed report about the grade I gave you.”

The color that had been slowly emigrating away from his face swarmed back into it within a millisecond. Avril’s radiant laugh attracted numerous eyes from the other tables.

“I, uh… didn’t know I should have,” he said, voice quiet and slightly hoarse.

“You want to land one of the sexiest women around, don’t you?” she said, and he knew she was purposefully refusing to lower her volume just to torment him further. “Come on; you should know that good studying and review habits are how to get grades.”

“Okay, fine,” he said, face on fire. “So, what… details do you have for me?”

“Why, I’m glad you asked,” Avril chuckled, finally lowering her volume so no one could eavesdrop on their scandalous conversation. “You put forth a pretty good first impression; the ‘B’ I gave you was probably… I dunno, an eighty-seven? Eighty-eight? You could get up to an ‘A’ pretty quickly if you take my advice. And then Tess won’t know what hits her.”

Excitement at the thought should have thrummed through him. Should have but did not. In its place, a regretfully moralistic burr jabbed into his back, and no amount of fidgeting in his seat would remove it. He knew he had to bring it up before this continued further. Damnit, why couldn’t he have been born without a conscience?

“Are you really okay with this?” he asked, receiving a curious raise of an eyebrow for his question. “I mean… I just want to make sure that this is all fine.”

“Liam,” Avril said, leaning forward, breasts straining against the snug wool covering them. “I let you cum down my throat yesterday.” She grinned. “Do you really think I’m fretting over our little deal? I’m all for it; I’m the one who made the offer, remember? Now, ifyouwant to end it here and date Anna without me helping you land the woman of your dreams later on, I won’t argue. I might be alittledisappointed, though. I spent all night thinking of your plan of attack for later today.”

Plan of attack? Later… today?!

“Wait, what do you mean?” he blurted.

“Strike soon, strike hard.” Avril jabbed the air. “You’re going to see Tess tonight, where you’ll start planting some seeds. That way, you can get a bit closer toplantingyour see—”

“I get it,” he hurriedly said, face as red as her hair. “Let’s just start from the beginning. What advice do you have?”

He felt ridiculous asking such a question, and Avril’s report ended up delayed by the return of their server with their food. As Liam picked at his pulled pork, Avril kept their server around by chatting her up—another intentional way of flustering him, he knew. During that time, he finally realized what Anna must have had to deal with for years. She must have had the patience of a saint to still possess her sanity.

Their server couldn’t stay long. Even though they’d arrived after the typical lunch rush, a Saturday still brought in more customers than usual. As soon as that happened, Avril casually leaped into the discussion as if there’d never been any interruption. Yep. Just a casual conversation about his dick in a public eating space.

“So, the biggest plus is that you weren’t a quick shot. Believe it or not, but women want to cum too, and most of you guys run out of steam pretty much the second after you blow your load, while we can cum more than just once or twice when we fuck—if you’re good enough. There are ways to buy yourself a bit more time, like jerking off beforehand so you’re less sensitive, but I don’t think we need to take those measures with you. When we get to the other stuff I’ll test you on, we'll confirm if that's the case. It was just a handjob, after all.”

Yeah. Just a handjob. Of course. And the other stuff that was for later. If Liam weren’t certain ofhissanity, he’d have questioned if he was dreaming up this ridiculous fantasy unfolding before him. Just in case, he snuck a hand beneath the table and pinched his thigh. The scene didn’t change. One of the most ravishingly beautiful women he’d ever laid eyes on still sat there, and she still had more to say.

“The big thing we’re going to work on is your sex talk—and probably foreplay down the line, just because you all fucking suck at foreplay most of the time. For now, we’ll stick with the first of those.”