Page 27 of Holiday Home

Anna sighed, eyes shadowing. “He’s… not the type of person I enjoy being around. However, the situation surrounding…usis complicated. It’s not something that’s easily resolved, much as Avril and Tess might want it to be.”

“When I first heard about the whole thing from Tess,” Liam said, deciding to broach the topic more boldly, “I said it sounded a lot like the feudal ages. She didn’t really disagree with me. I definitely came up in a wealthy enough household, but I know it’s a different world entirely when complete strangers recognize you based on your last name alone.”

Anna began to shake her head but then stopped. “I suppose, in certain ways, feudalism is an apt comparison. Many more people than just myself could be affected by my decision.” The comparison seemed to grow on her. “So, yes, that’s an accurate way of putting things. Companies like the ones my and Trent’s families own are a bit like fiefdoms, and the decisions made at the top can have drastic consequences for individuals who don’t deserve to be swept up into things—but still are.”

“It’s kind of grim, isn’t it? We don’t really look back on the way fiefs were operated as being all that great for the commoners.”

“That is true.” Anna’s mouth twisted slightly. “I wish it wasn’t the case.”

“Whatwouldhappen if you decided to tell your dad that you wouldn’t go along with what he wants? If you don’t mind me asking,” he hastily added.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not something I am willing to share. And please don’t ask Avril about it behind my back.”

“Okay.” Liam offered her a heartfelt nod. “I promise not to ask, and I’ll let her know not to tell me if she tries to.”

“Oh.” Anna’s mint-green eyes flashed, informing him that she hadn’t considered adding that stipulation to her request. “Yes, thank you very much.”

“Sure. Is there anything else you wanted to bring up?”

“There is one final thing, yes.” Even as she informed him that there was more, indecision flitted across her expression. “It is a request I want to make of you.”

Butterflies made their presence known in his stomach, which he saw was infectious. Anna’s voice nearly dropped to a whisper, and he saw her check to ensure Avril hadn’t returned to the ice just yet. Concern, anxiety, and hesitation swirled around the courteous heiress.

“I promise to hear you out, at least.” He’d been doing a lot of that recently. So many people had requests to make of him since he’d come home for winter break. So far, they’d all gotten their way, although one had played dirty to bend him to her will. He was entirely certain that Anna wouldn’t make any such offer to coax him into agreeing with whatever it was she was about to ask of him.

“That’s all I ask,” she said, returning her gaze to him. “Itisabout what Tess and Avril have been trying to make happen between us. And while I do enjoy getting to know you, I… can’t see myself going along with what they want. While I know they both care about me, they don’t seem to realize that they’re trying to set me up with someone in a similar manner as my father is.”

“Isn’t the ‘why’ more important than the ‘how’ sometimes?” Liam asked. “I, uh, know I’m not really capable of being a neutral party in all this, but you’re right about them caring about you. It’s not even about me; I’m just the guy Tess happened to have living next door to her. I think they just want you to get a chance at dating normally before it’s too late, and for you to avoid some grisly fate with this Trent guy.”

“Be that as it may, to me, the means don’t justify the ends. I’m trying to figure out what to do in my predicament, but it isn’t as easy as Tess and Avril—especially Avril—seem to think it would be. She might always get away with whatever she wants, but the same isn’t the case for everyone.” She sighed, distress emanating from her in waves. “Would you really want to date me, even though it’s being set up like this? With everything happening in my life right now, does that sound anything like a ‘normal’ dating experience? Would you even consider it if you weren’t being asked by someone you treasure dearly? Be honest, please.”

So, he did.

“No, probably not. It was already kind of crazy to me when Tess first brought it up, and even though I agreed, I know I was never super enthused about it.”

Anna nodded as if she’d expected such a response. Opening her mouth to speak, Liam eschewed imitating her good manners. He wasn’t finished yet.

“But I agreed to itbecauseof how highly I regard Tess. The fact that she cares as much about you as she does speaks volumes about the type of person you are. And if she feels that way about you, then I want to try and help however I can. She thinks you deserve to be happy with who you end up with, and I’m going to agree with her on that point.”

He smiled sheepishly, prickled by embarrassment after his explanation. He hadn’t meant to say it likehewas what she deserved, but it had kind of spilled out like that—at least, from a possible interpretation.

After a slight pause, Anna replied softly, wearing a smile that soothed his paranoia. “That’s very admirable of you, and you shouldn’t feel like you do about what you said earlier. Tess didn’t ask for your help just because she’s your neighbor. It’s obvious you deserve all the compliments she’s showered your name with every time she’s mentioned you in the past.”

A sudden swell of heat abated the frigid winter night’s effect on his face. “We’ll just say that she’s right about both of us. She’s a good judge of character.”

“I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, her trust in you, combined with this conversation, has truly set me at ease. So, I want to make a final request of you while we’re alone.”

“Okay, shoot.”

He’d had a few ideas in mind when he gave her the go-ahead to state her request. In most scenarios, whether she asked him to do it quietly or come up with an excuse that he could give to Tess and Avril, he figured she’d want him to back out of the task he’d been assigned. He was still in the process of just how he could navigate the treacherous situation, fully aware that his sinful interaction with Avril had almost certainly pushed him past the point of no return, when she dropped his jaw. The cold wasted no time before assailing his tongue.

“I would like you to pretend to date me for the next few weeks.”

No, that had not been one of the ideas swirling through his mind. Enough so that he blinked owlishly, wondering if he’d heard her right.

As she continued to elaboratewhyshe had decided this outcome would be for the best, he realized that he must have.

“I know it’s deceptive and deceitful, but I don’t want them to keep trying things like this. Maybe I could convince Tess to relent on the whole situation, but Avril is not used to being told no.” Her gaze shifted, and he knew without needing to check himself that she saw Avril returning to the rink. “So, I would rather avoid several ultimately fruitless arguments. I’m sorry; I know it’s selfish and cowardly. It would only be for a little while, maybe a few weeks. I’d… just like to spend my winter break peacefully.”