“This islessannoying?” he blurted.
“Way, way less. There’re always a few weirdos who gradually skate closer and closer to us, like some kind of bizarre bird mating ritual. A couple usually bother us about our numbers or skating together eventually, so good job keeping them at bay.”
“Uh, you’re welcome?” Liam glanced at the nearest guy around their age and discovered an envious glare aimed directly at him when their eyes connected.
“So, you can consider yourself our new creep repellent. You’ll be coming along from now on.”
“Avril, don’t be bossy,” Anna said, frowning. “Not everyone who approaches us is as unpleasant as you make them out to be. And you don’t always seem to mind the attention.”
The beautiful redhead smiled unabashedly. “Sure, sure. Nothing wrong with someone trying to shoot their shot, but you know it’s nicer for you when we can just skate without being bothered.”
Anna failed to disagree with her best friend, whose smile broadened. Whether his presence kept them away or not, only eyes and whispers pursued them for the remainder of their time at the skating rink. After about two hours, Liam could suitably keep pace with the two vastly more adroit skaters, though that was all he could accomplish.
Avril loved to show off, and she really didn’t seem to care who was watching. If it was in the pursuit of an impressive maneuver, she didn’t mind one bit if she landed on her ass. She called for his attention just before a pirouette near the center of the enormous rink, then tried to get Anna to join her for the next one. Anna quickly shut her down, and Liam saw another glimpse of color skitter over her fair skin.
As far as Liam could tell, the more well-mannered of the pair skated immaculately but conservatively. He never saw so much as a wobble out of her as she flowed across the ice like the wind itself, let alone a fall. According to a whisper that Avril snuck into his ear when Anna wasn’t looking, the Royce heiress was the far better of the two, though she never flaunted her abilities.
“A few times we’ve come, it’s just been the two of us. Those are the only times in years she’s shown what she can really do. Otherwise, she just keeps what she can really do hidden.”
Liam watched Anna momentarily, seeing how she skated effortlessly over the ice. “I don’t suppose you’re telling me this because it’s a microcosm of a bigger issue.”
Avril flashed her sparkling white teeth. “I know there was something other than that cock of yours I liked.”
Hiding his blush when Anna returned to the group, their time at OpenSky Center slowly glided toward its end. When Avril made for the restroom a little later, Liam had half-expected that a silence like the one back in the apartment would follow. However, before Avril had even finished getting out of her skates, Anna informed him that they would not be repeating their quiet act.
“May I speak with you for a little while, Liam?” she asked, skating slowly toward the center of the rink, which left him no option but to accompany her if he wanted to hear her out.
“Sure,” he said, glancing over his shoulder at Avril, who’d traded skates for shoes and begun strolling toward the main building. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t leave her skates behind as they had their shoes. When they cost over three hundred dollars, which he’d learned from Avril a little while ago, they weren’t the sort of thing left lying around. Not even by the obscenely rich.
Of course, that might not be the case. He knew Anna’sfamilywas mind-bogglingly wealthy, but he didn’t know anything about Avril’s situation. Therefore, he reminded himself that he shouldn’t assume too much. Ashgrove was a pretty upscale apartment complex, but it wasn’t the penthouse suite that a Royce should be able to afford easily. For all he knew, her father had as iron a grip on her finances as he supposedly wanted to have on her love life.
Catching up to Anna, he was just in time to see her draw in a steadying breath and to notice the tightness in her hands, which she’d intertwined in front of her waist.
“I want to discuss… what Avril and Tess have been pushing for these past few days. There are some things I want to ask you… and some things I want to say myself.”
“Sure,” he repeated, heart pulsing with an instant stanza of trepidation. He just hoped she hadn’t somehow also gleaned something about him and Avril’s earlier indiscretion.
“It’s okay if you choose not to answer, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t lie to me,” she said quietly, glancing at the nearest gaggle of skaters, a group of middle schoolers who barely paid them any heed.
Mild consternation warped his face. “I don’t plan on lying to you. What would I even have to lie about?”
“Have Avril and Professor Williams been pressing you toward entering a relationship with me?”
Liam knew better than to feign shock. He also knew better than to deny what was true or mutilate it with partialities. She wasn’t asking the question because she needed confirmation about her suspicion but to judge if he was going to be honest with her going forward. Even if it might upset the plan Tess and Avril had in mind for them, he didn’t want to give Anna a reason to distrust him.
“Pressing is a bit too strong of a word,” he said, keeping eye contact with Anna. He wanted her to see the truth within them, not just hear it. “Tess only wanted me to meet you and see how I felt—there wasn’t anything forced on me. And, well, I’ve only just met Avril, so I’m still kind of figuring her out.”
Relief soothed Anna’s expression, and she even partially smiled at his comment about her best friend. “Yes, that is something we’re all trying to do, even those of us who have known her for years. If you will share it with me, what did Professor Willia—Tess—say about me? Did she mention my situation?”
“What I told you the other night remains true. She had nothing but overwhelming compliments about you.” Liam paused. “But… yeah, she mentioned a few things about what you’re going through. A few names, too.”
“Would one of them be Trent Alden?”
Liam nodded. A middle-aged couple holding hands skated by, and Anna delayed her response until after they passed. He noticed that the tight grip of her interlaced fingers slightly lessened, which he took as a good thing.
“Nothing good was said of him, I presume?”
“I’ve heard his name a few times from two people who really seem to care about you. Tess was slightly more diplomatic than Avril, but I can tell even she loathes the guy. What do you think? Is he as bad as they say?”