Page 21 of Holiday Home

“Yeah, your phone’s in here,” she called. “Come have a look.”

As Liam’s jaw dropped, Avril grinned. The next thing she did was remove the hand playing with his balls, lean across his lap, and grab the messily balled-up blanket on the other side of him. With an impressive snap of her wrist, she yanked it into the air, where it fluttered momentarily. After that, she rushed it down to cover both their laps.

She saw one of two problems after that—namely, the protrusion tenting the blanket upward. With a mischievous grin, she enacted her third decision. Removing her right hand from his cock but immediately replacing it with her left, she flattened her palm against his shaft, then pressed his cock against his stomach and held it there.

“We’re not done yet,” the insane woman said, winking before turning her head toward the approaching footsteps.

Finally, Liam’s mind caught up to the crazed situation in front of him. His eyes spotted something.

“Avril, your shirt,” he hissed.

Confusion knit her eyebrows together, but she followed his eyes’ track.

“Shit,” she said.

He wasn’t the one who needed to hide their arousal. At any other time, the hard points distinguishable under her tank top would have filled him with pride. Now, all it did was set his heart ablaze with panic.

Shestilldidn’t let go of his cock. Shifting her body, she leaned her back onto his shoulder. The angle she needed to turn her neck to see Anna as she entered the room moments later couldn’t have been comfortable.

“Hey, look who it is,” Avril said as her roommate spotted them. “Supriseee.”

Shock blitzed across Anna’s face in a way that Liam, even if he’d only known her for a short while, knew was uncommon for the poised, collected woman. Her eyes shifted over her shoulder, and he also knew she’d realized that the car out front of their apartment was his.

“Hello, Liam,” Anna said, recollecting herself and smiling politely. Her gaze shifted to Avril. “I am indeed surprised.”

And none too happy about it.

Everyone in the room could absorb the unspoken subtext. Liam had the decency to feel apologetic. Avril sure didn’t.

“So, I might have orchestrated your missing phone so I could bother your new boyfriend and grill him about what he liked about you once I invited him over. Oh, and I’ve invited him to go ice skating with us. It’ll be fun!”

The edges of Anna’s smile frayed ever so slightly. Already, Liam could envision the type of relationship they had together. Avril might have informed him that she was the older of the pair, but age was just a number in this instance. He could viscerally see the headaches she must have caused Anna throughout their friendship, and the polite apologies Anna regularly provided on Avril’s behalf.

“Could I speak to you for a minute?” Anna asked.

To which Avril promptly said, “Nope, but I’ll ride with you, so you can chew me out then.”

“Avril,” Anna said, the exasperation bleeding heavier through the gauze of politeness with each passing moment.

“Go on, go get changed—and grab your ice skates.” She glanced at him. “Did I mention that sheownsice skates? Weird, right?”

“You own a pair, too,” Anna quickly said, a rosy hue mixing into her fair skin.

“Yeah, because you bought them for me, so I wouldn’t have an excuse to avoid going with you.” Avril grinned, then used the hand that wasn’t flattening his cock against his stomach to wave her friend away. “Go on; we’ll be here. I’m giving you a head start, so try to change before I can for once.”

Anna glared at her roommate. Liam felt all but forgotten, though he wasn’t complaining. Nor was he looking forward to the awkward conversation about his unexpected appearance. If not for the hand gripping his manhood, which put him in a rather precarious situation, he might have considered coming up with an excuse to leave before things escalated.

“Fine. We’re leaving at three on the dot.”

“Sure, no issue here.”

And with that final declaration, stark black hair swept through the air as Anna stormed off—well, maybeherversion of storming off—to her bedroom. He and Avril both watched it shut, and Liam immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

“What areyourelaxing for?” Avril asked, grinning like a maverick. “You’re not in the clear just yet.”

He began to say, “I know that,” only for the words to die on his tongue. He would have meant it about Anna’s frustration with his inclusion in her and Avril’s outing, but he swiftly realized that Avril wasn’t talking about Anna’s annoyance. She was talking about what her arrival had interrupted.

Underneath the blanket, replacing her left hand with her right, she resumed her focused pumping.