“How so?” she asked, tilting her head.

“He said that most people approved of the way I’d handled the situation in Little Rock, but when I came back to town, rumors started to spread that I’d lied about the gun and was trying to make the Little Rock Police Department look bad.”

Her nose scrunched. “That’s nearly the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I asked Nate if he knew who’d started spreading the rumors. He didn’t, but he said he’d try to find out.”

“Do you think the person who left the framed photo was just trying to run you out of town?”

I shook my head. “I don’t see how that could be the master plan. Last October, I had no intention of coming back to Jackson Creek. They’d have to be playing some crazy long game to steal the photo on the presumption that I might come back and they’d need to run me off. Besides, if someone wants me out, there are far easier ways.”

“I don’t know,” she said with a laugh. “You’re pretty stubborn.”

I picked up another fry. “True, but still…”

“That’s not why they stole the photo,” Louise said. “I’m worried you’re in danger.”

I shook my head. While I could admit to myself that the stalker’s behavior worried me, I wasn’t going back to hiding in my parents’ garage apartment. After four months, I finally had a job to do, and it felt good to be doing something other than wallowing in guilt and shame. This was a chance to atone for my sins. I’d killed one kid, but maybe I could save another. “I’m not so sure. They had plenty of time and opportunity in Little Rock. The real question is if they’re responsible for Ava’s disappearance. It’s pretty coincidental that it’s Vanessa’s daughter. Especially since Vanessa was supposed to be with Andi the day she was kidnapped. Not me.”

“Shit. I didn’t know that.”

“Most people don’t.”

It should have been you.

Chapter 16

Kylie returned with my glass of tea and set it on the table. “Everything okay here, ladies? It’s as silent as a tomb.”

Louise flashed her a smile. “Great. We’re just talking work stuff.”

“Sorry to interrupt,” Kylie said with a cringe.

Louise smiled at her. “Don’t worry, Kylie. You didn’t. Thanks for bringing Harper’s drink.”

Kylie started to walk away, then turned back and put a hand on the table. “Say, Deputy Martin. Have you heard anything about that murder last night?”

“I’ve told you a million times, it’s Louise,” she said with a smile, then turned sober. “But I’m sorry to say that I can’t really talk about it.”

Kylie’s face fell. “It’s just that my cousin didn’t come home last night.”

“Oh,” Louise said with a frown. “Have you notified the sheriff’s department?”

“It ain’t been long enough,” Kylie said, her eyes misting over. “My other cousin saw him late yesterday afternoon, so it ain’t even been twenty-four hours.”

“What’s his name?”

“Chuck Cunningham, but he mostly goes by Chowder.”

The corner of Louise’s mouth quirked up. “I suspect there’s a story there.”

Kylie made a face, then released a short laugh. “A disgusting one involving vomit.”

Laughing, Louise held up her hands. “Enough said, but you know you can still contact the non-emergency number and make sure we’re aware he’s missing.” When Kylie remained silent, Louise reached into the front pocket of her shirt and pulled out a business card. “I hope he shows up soon, but if you haven’t heard from him by tonight, call me on my cell and I’ll come take the report myself.”

Kylie took the card and looked it over before sliding it into her back jeans pocket. “Thank you, Deputy Martin.”

“Louise. And no problem, but for your family’s sake, I hope I don’t hear from you.”