Page 32 of Weston

“You think I should act on it then?” I asked, adrenaline filling my veins at the unknown.

“I think that you both need to be absolutely sure about this,” he said, and my heart stuttered. “I think that you both need to make sure this isn’t just about sex—”

“It’s not,” I cut him off. Did he really think that? I mean,yes, the sex was amazing. Mind-blowing. But that’s not all I wanted from him.

“We have to be sure, Brynn,” he said, and warm shivers danced down my body when he said my name like that—all stubborn and demanding. “I can’t lose you. My life wouldn’t be complete without you in it, and if we do this just because of sex we’ll end up ruining everything between us.”

“Okay,” I said, nodding. “I get that. What do you propose?” I asked, feeling like this had just taken a turn into a full-on business meeting between us.

“Two weeks,” he said. “We need to take two weeks to think this all over. If at the end of the two weeks you still feel the same, if you haven’t lost that sense of urgency and need, then we’ll figure out what to do next. But if the two weeks passes and it’s enough that we both realize taking anything further would only ruin our friendship, we won’t.”

My heart sank to my stomach. What if we made it to the end of the two weeks and he didn’t feel like I was worth the risk? I knew my feelings wouldn’t change, they hadn’t changed in years. I wanted to tell him that, but I also didn’t want to influence him in any way. I didn’t want to trap him out of some obligation to satisfy my feelings. I wanted him to choose me because he couldn’t see anyone elsebutme.


“Yes,” I said. “Two weeks it is.”

“Agreed.” Weston let out a long sigh. “Now, one more thing…”

I held my breath, wondering what other kind of impossible situations he wanted to subject me to tonight.

“What is it?” I asked, timid.

“What are you wearing?”

I laughed, sliding back against the pillows, my skin growing hot all over. “I would tell you,” I said. “But our two weeks just started.”

“Maybe I should just come over and find out.”

My toes curled and I couldn’t contain my smile. “You set the standard,” I said. “I’ll stick to it. You should too.”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “Goodnight, Ms. Allen.”

Sparks skated down my spine. “Goodnight, Mr. Rutherford.”


“Winner buys dinner,” Gareth said, shaking my hand firmly as we took our seats at the hotel’s steakhouse.

“I’m fine with that,” I said, still riding the high off the Raptors’ win.

We’d played the Charleston Cougars in a tight matchup at their home field, but ultimately came out with a win. One that Nixon—our quarterback—and his wife Liberty were more than happy to celebrate with us as they took their seats at the large table.

“Hendrix!” Brynn’s voice reached an excited level that had a smile creeping along my face that I firmly kept in check while I spun around, watching her practically leap into Hendrix’s arms as he came in behind us. “I’ve missed you,” she said as he scooped her into a hug.

“Missed you too, kid,” he said, teasing her like he always did because she’d been two years behind us in school. He set her back on her feet while I reached for Savannah, who gave me a quick hug and a smile.

“Good to see you,” I said to her.

“Definitely,” she said before punching my chest playfully. “Even if you beat us.”

I laughed, waving her off and nodding to Nixon, who was now greeting Hendrix too. “You should blame him,” I said, pointing to our quarterback. “I had nothing to do with it.”

“You did all right,” Hendrix said, clapping Nixon on the back. The two had been close when they both played for the Raptors, and they made sure to put in the work to stay close once Hendrix traded to the Cougars. Just like he had with me.

We all took our seats, settling into a fun conversation reminiscing old times before arguing over which play was the real game changer tonight.

“Not a chance,” Gareth said after biting into his porterhouse. “What turned the tides for your team was that run in by Padilla. The yards he gained opened it up for you to throw it in,” he said, aiming his knife at Nixon.