Iwill fucking end him for doing this to her. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s behind this. He wouldn’t have put himself behind the wheel, but he definitely paid someone handsomely to do his dirty work.

I’ll tear them limb from limb, and when I’m done with them, then I’ll find him.

“Sir, excuse me? Sir?” I hear someone and feel them put their hand on my shoulder.

“What?” I look up confused.

“Hi, I’m Angela. I’m the paramedic on scene. We need to put your wife in the ambulance,” she says, looking at me sympathetically.

My wife.

In my fucking dreams.

“Right. I’m sorry,” I say, shaking off my thoughts.

“It’s fine. Normally, I’d get on to you for pulling her from the vehicle, but I think you saved her leg in doing so,” she says, gesturing towards Marley’s mangled foot.

“She lost a lot of blood, but I’m optimistic,” she says, smiling.

I watch them transfer her to the gurney, my eyes never leaving her.

“Do you want to ride along, or drive behind us? I noticed your car is here also,” she says.

“I don’t think I can drive,” I admit.

She offers a hand to me, helping to pull me up from the ground, and I follow her to the back of the ambulance.

“I left my phone out there, I think. I can’t find it. Do you have one I can use? I need to call her brother.”

“Absolutely.” She digs in her pocket, handing me her phone, while she begins to hook Marley up to various machines.

The phone rings several times before Mitch picks up. “Hello?” he asks groggily.

“Mitch, it’s me. I’m in the back of an ambulance. There’s been an accident. It’s Marley.” I’m distracted, unable to stop staring at her. She looks so helpless laying there.

“What the fuck? Is she okay? What hospital?” I can tell he’s moving around frantically.

“I don’t know. I don’t know,” I say.

The woman, I already forgot her name, takes the phone from me, and I can hear her explaining things to Mitch much clearer than I was. I’m thankful for that.

I look down at Marley… she looks so fragile. This whole situation is fucked. I realize that I’m probably going to have to tell Mitch everything.

When we get to the hospital in record time, a team of nurses are already standing outside waiting for us. Everything is a blur after that. They won’t let me go back with her after they find out that I’m not really her husband. I don’t know why I didn’t just let them continue to treat me that way, but honestly, I was worried about what Mitch would say when he showed up.

I’m sitting in the waiting room, my head in my hands, when Mitch comes barging in.

“Where is she? Where’s my sister?” he yells, stalking towards me.

“They’ll give you all the information you need at the desk. They won’t tell me anything.”

“Why the fuck were you even with her?” he asks, before ignoring me and walking over to the desk.

My head is hanging, almost between my legs, when he walks back over to me.

“If you’re going to hit me again, now would be a good time, since I’ll be able to get stitched up,” I tell him, without even looking at him.

“I’m not going to fucking hit you. Even if you deserve it.” He sighs, slumping down in the chair next to me.