

When I showed up at Clark’s apartment, my intentions were not to sleep with him. It was supposed to be a wellness check. Mitch called me and even though he’s furious with both me and Clark, he’s worried.

The whole encounter was uncomfortable and he’s nowhere near ready to accept anything, not that there’s anything to accept anyway.

I walk back into the house after my heartbreaking conversation with Clark. Delaney finds me immediately, rushing me out the door.

“What’s going on?”

“Mitch found out about you and Clark. There was screaming. I think it’s best that we get out of here as quickly as possible.”

As if this fucking night couldn’t get any worse.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I wish. You know I live for the drama, but this is not the drama I’m living for. I’m pretty sure Clark just let Mitch punch the shit out of him. People were whispering about it. It doesn’t look good, especially since he literally just got engaged.” She grabs my hand, yanking me towards the car.

I don’t say anything until we’re both in the car and that’s when I allow myself to completely fall apart. For the second time tonight.

“Hey, it’s okay. Everything will be okay.” Delaney says, looking over at me, concerned.

“I can’t lose my brother, Del. I can’t.” I sob, leaning my head against the window.

“Mitch would never allow that to happen. He’s angry right now, sure, but everything will be fine when it all blows over.”

“And what about the fact that Clark is getting married?”

She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, she looks at me like she feels sorry for me and I hate that.

“Don’t feel sorry for me. It’s my fault that I’m in this mess in the first place.” I tell her.

“Marley,” she starts, grabbing my hand.

“No, it’s fine.” I shake her off.

I’m not trying to hurt her feelings, but what I’m telling her is true. This isn’t anyone’s fault but my own. Mine and Clark. We got ourselves into this whole fucking situation.

A few weeks go by before Mitch finally calls me. He’s not happy to talk to me. He doesn’t say anything about Clark, and he just claims he wants to make sure I’m doing okay. The conversation is quick and awkward and it completely breaks my heart.

“He’ll come around,” Delaney says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I nod in response, watching her leave. I’ve been skipping classes, doing most of my work from a computer in our house. I haven’t felt like facing anyone.

Wandering into my room, I walk into the closet, looking for some clothes to change into, when a box falls from the top of the closet.

Mallory’s journal falls out, open on a page. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I pick it up to read.

Dear Diary,

Marley and I had the best day today. We spent the entire day thrift shopping, at the beach, and then home having a sleepover in her bedroom. I even got a boy’s phone number at the beach. His name is Beau, and he’s really cute. Lately, it’s felt like Mar and I have been drifting apart, heading in different directions, but today was different. I haven’t seen her happy like that in a while and I hope she never loses that smile.

Love, Mallory

Tears fill my eyes as I close the journal. I remember that day. It’s one of the last times we truly spent an entire day together. She wasn’t wrong when she said we had been drifting apart, because we had.

“Thanks, Mal.” I whisper, wiping the tears from my eyes.