“I’m sorry too. I never should have done what I did. It was wrong, and that’s not who I am,” he says.

I reach over, grabbing his hand.

“I wish we could have figured this out. I wish I was a better person,” I tell him.

“You are a good person, Mar. You were just never going to be that person for me. That fucking kills me.”

We sit like that for a while, just being together, both of us mourning a relationship that was doomed from the beginning. Doomed because I can never love him like he deserves.

Yeah, he cheated on me, but in reality, I’ve been cheating on him with a love for Clark that I fear will never go away.

“I should go,” I whisper, pulling my hand away.

A part of me wants him to ask me to stay, tell me that we can figure this out, but then I realize that’s selfish, and I’ve already done enough damage.

He nods in response. There’s nothing left to say.

I walk out of his apartment, immediately dialing Delaney as the tears are falling from my face.

“Mar? What’s wrong?”

“Can you come pick me up?”



It’s been two fucking months and the only thing I’ve thought about is Marley. How it felt to be that close to her, what it might feel like to finally give in to what we’ve both been fighting for so long.

I’m fucking tired of listening to Riley. I’m tired of her father. I’m just fucking sick of everything.

“I’m going for a drive,” I tell Mitch, getting up from the couch.

“Are you crazy? There are thunderstorm warnings out right now. It’s like a monsoon out there,” he says, looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

I have lost my fucking mind.

“I need to clear my head. I know how to drive in the rain,” I tell him, grabbing my keys.

He shouts something at me, but I’ve already tuned him out, running out to the car. I don’t fucking care about anything right now but getting to Marley. I can’t play these games with her any longer.

It takes me nearly two hours to get to her house, and the rain is coming down in sheets. I’m relieved that Delaney’s car isn’t in the driveway when I pull up. Before I even make it up her stairs, she’s pulling the door open.

She looks like a fucking angel. Like a breath of fresh air.

“Why are you here?” she asks, breathless, her eyes scanning my body.

I’m sure I look as insane as I feel right now.

The rain is pouring down. I see a flash of lighting and hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.

“I can’t stop fucking thinking about you,” I admit.

“You have to go.”

“I can’t. Let me in,” I say, my chest heaving up and down.

I’m soaking wet and my shirt is sticking to my skin. She looks like a wet fucking dream standing there in just a T-shirt.