“Feel ashamed. Don’t you fucking feel bad about what just happened.”

“I feel dirty. I’m a horrible person. You just couldn’t quit. I told you to fucking leave and you wouldn’t. Can’t you see all the things wrong with what we just did?” she cries, throwing her hands in the air.

“No. I don’t fucking see anything wrong with it.”

“That’s a problem,” she says, flinging the door open and slamming it shut behind her.

I lean back against the wall, running my hand over my face.

“Fuck!” I yell.

If we were different people, in a different world, with different pasts, this wouldn’t be a problem.

I run my hands down my face, groaning. What is it about her that makes me lose all self-restraint?

I wait a while before leaving the room. I’d hate for anyone to see the two of us leaving the room at the same time. I don’t know any of these people, but I’m sure she does.

I find Mitch hanging out in the kitchen with Delaney, who’s appropriately dressed up like a devil, in a similar costume to Marley, only everything is black and red, complete with devil horns.

“Where have you been, man?” Mitch asks.

“Wandering around,” I say.

I don’t miss the way Delaney narrows her eyes in my direction. What has Marley told her?

“Have you found Marley?” I ask him, as if I wasn’t just sharing space with her a few minutes ago.

“Yeah, she went to find her boyfriend. Apparently, she’s got a fucking boyfriend now,” he says, sounding stressed.

I want to kill the guy. Literally fucking murder him. Even more so when he comes into the kitchen holding her hand, smiling like he just won a million dollars.

Marley doesn’t even look my way. I glance at Delaney and watch her looking back and forth between the two of us, trying to figure out what’s going on.

“Hey, man. I’m Mitch. Marley’s brother. This is my best friend, Clark,” Mitch says, putting his hand out to shake hands.

I’m not fucking touching that guy.

“What’s up?”

I zone out when Marley starts making introductions. Eventually, I remove myself from the room before I do something crazy, like lay my fist in this dude's face.

I walk outside to the porch, hearing the door open and shut behind me. Delaney walks outside, joining me.

“Are you okay?” she asks, walking over to me.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I snap.

“I know everything, Clark. Like everything,” she says.

“She told you?”

“Yeah. She’s been struggling with it all.” She sighs.

“I know the feeling.”

“Justin is good for her. He cares about her, and he makes her happy. But when you’re around, I can tell that it’s all an act. She’s never going to feel the things for him that she does for you.” She puts her elbows on the railing, resting her chin on her hands.

“It doesn’t do her any good to think about me,” I admit.