“Why?” I ask.

He smirks before handing the joint back, blowing out a puff of smoke.

“We could have hung out.”

“Is that so?” I ask.

I don’t know why I’m flirting. I’m not even sure I’m into Justin. He’s fucking hot and he smells good, but we’ve barely had any interaction. We text back and forth a few times but that’s it.

He shrugs, watching me intently.

“You’re fucking sexy,” he says, his voice gravelly.

I raise an eyebrow at him, smirking.

“I know.”

He laughs.

“I like you,” he admits.

“I like you, too,” I tell him.

It’s true. I do like him. I’m just not sure what kind of like it is. My head is too fucked up from all these insane encounters with Clark.

“Is that so?” He smirks, repeating my words from earlier.

I shrug in response, taking the last drag of the joint, before snuffing it out between my fingers. After I set the remnants of my joint down on the table, I lean back on the swing, my face merely inches from Justin’s.

“We should spend some time together when you get moved in,” he says.

I stare at him, wondering if I could see myself with someone like him. Am I even looking for something like that?

“We don’t have to date or anything. I see the panic in your eyes right now,” he says, laughing.

I smirk. “I’m not opposed to a relationship. I’m just not looking to tie myself down right away,” I say honestly.

“I can respect that. I don’t think I’m the settling down type of guy right now anyway.” He shrugs.

We sit like that for a while, staring at each other, high as fuck, talking about the most random shit. It’s not until the sun starts to rise that I realize we’ve pulled an all-nighter.

“Fuck. I guess I better go,” he says, leaning up on the swing.

“Yeah. I need to try to get some kind of sleep. We’re packing up in a few hours and heading back.”

“I’ll see you soon?” he asks, like he’s still unsure where I stand.

“I sure hope so,” I say.

He grins before jumping over the railing and walking down the beach. I watch him for a while, before heading back inside and locking the door behind me.

This has sure been a fucked-up weekend. I’ve never been more confused as to where I stand with so many people as I am right now.

* * *

Clark disappeared sometime in the middle of the night. He left Riley at the beach house and didn’t tell anyone where he was going. The ride home was quiet, and if I’m being honest, I was glad he left. I didn’t know how we were supposed to look at each other after what we did last night.

We crossed so many fucking lines. The last thing I want is for my brother to be disappointed in me. Our family is hanging on by a thread as it is.