“I’m Justin.”

I pull my eyes from Clark and turn my attention to the guy standing next to me. I’m not ashamed to check someone out if I find them attractive, and Justin is attractive.

He’s tall, he’s got shaggy brown hair that falls onto his face, and good Lord does the man have some muscles. He looks like some kind of athlete. Probably a football player, if I’m guessing.

“Hi, Justin. I’m Marley,” I say, putting my hand out, smiling.

“I’m here with some friends. I saw you standing here, and I’m not going to beat around the bush, you caught my eye.”

I raise my eyebrows. I like a guy that isn’t afraid to tell you what he thinks.

“Well, you’ve caught my eye now,” I tell him, making him laugh.

He’s got a fucking fantastic laugh.

“How long are you here?” I ask.

“Just for the weekend. You?”

“Same. I don’t live too far from here. I’m home for the summer.”

“Where will you go then?” he asks, and he seems like he’s genuinely interested.

“College. I’m going to King University in August.”

“No shit? That’s where I’m at,” he says.

“Really? How old are you, Justin?” I ask.

“I’ll be a sophomore this year.”

“I’m a freshman. My friend Delaney and I got an off-campus house nearby,” I tell him, gesturing towards Delaney, who just walked past us with my brother.

“Can I get your number? Maybe I can show you around when you get to school,” he asks.

I smirk. He’s smooth, I’ll give him that.

“Is that all you want it for?” I cross my arms over my chest, not missing how his eyes immediately travel there.

“Of course not,” he says, unashamed with his flirting.

I like him.

“Okay, how about this, you put your number in my phone and I’ll call you,” I tell him.

“I’ll take that deal,” he says.

I motion for him to follow me to my bag, and I bend down, grabbing my phone, handing it over to him.

After he types his number in and hands it back, he smirks.

“I’ll be seeing you, Marley.”

I don’t say anything, but I smile in response, having no shame in watching him walk away.

“Okay, bitch, I need all the details,” Delaney says excitedly.

I didn’t even realize she’d made her way back up the beach.