Page 118 of Bring Me To My Knees

“Stand up,” I tell him.

He obliges, standing in front of me.

I cup my hands behind his ass, pulling him closer to me. His eyes widen in surprise when I pull him into my mouth. One long, slow, agonizing suck, twirling my tongue around his shaft.

“Fuck, baby,” he groans.

I glance up, and he’s towering over me. His hands on the wall behind me, bracing himself. I pump my hand up and down, while my tongue licks and flicks in slow sensual circles.

“I don’t want to come in your mouth, baby, but if you keep doing that, it’s going to happen,” he growls.

I ramp up my pace, gripping his ass and taking him as deep as I can. His entire body stiffens, and he removes one hand from the wall, gripping the hair on the back of my head, pushing me down on his cock deeper.

I gag, and that’s all it takes for him to spill himself down my throat.

“Am I dirty enough now?” I ask him, grinning.

“Goddamn,” he groans, shaking his head, but grinning back.

He leans down, kissing me once more, before grabbing the loofa off the faucet and pouring soap on it.

I lean back against the wall, moaning in appreciation as he lathers me up. I almost come apart all over again when he massages shampoo into my hair with expertise.

By the time we’re both clean, the shower is running cold. He wraps me in a towel and helps me back into the bedroom.

“Best shower ever,” I say, smiling.

He laughs, walking over to my dresser, grabbing some pajamas for me to change into. I don’t even protest when he dresses me, because who am I to deny this hot as hell man the desire to pamper me.

“Thank you,” I tell him, when he’s finished, and he leans over to kiss my forehead.

“Get some rest, beauty. I’ll go make some lunch,” he tells me, before throwing a blanket over my body and flipping the light off.

Chapter Twenty Three


Six Weeks Later

I’ve been laid up in Mitch’s house, going through some kind of honeymoon phase with Marley for six weeks now. I’ve got to confront Riley’s dad and get this taken care of. Marley got her cast taken off a few days ago and she’s itching to try and go back to some kind of normality.

Today, I promised her she could go with me to visit my mom. I finally returned the ten unanswered calls last week, and they informed me just what I’d been afraid of. The payments had stopped. They wanted me to come in today to discuss my options.

I’ve been dreading it, but with Marley by my side, I almost feel like I can do anything. I don’t know what we are right now, things are complicated, but I’m not going to worry about any of that until I get this other shit figured out.

“You ready, beauty?” I ask, knocking on her bedroom door.

“Yeah, sorry,” she says, opening the door.

She’s like a breath of fresh air every time I look at her, making everything I’ve got going on disappear with just her presence.

“You okay?” she asks, grabbing my hand.

“Yeah, I am now,” I tell her.

Once we’re in the car, the nerves hit.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” I admit.