I shake off a memory that I forgot all about and continue on with my explanation.

“Turns out, my mom was cheating on my dad. With Riley’s dad.” I sigh.

“No shit?” Mitch says.

“Yeah, but that’s not the worst part. When she tried to end things with him, because she saw what kind of guy he was, he blackmailed her. He had all these videos of her in compromising positions, doing things she wouldn’t be proud of.” I sigh.

I think back to the night my mom told me about all the drugs and sex. It wasn’t just Riley’s dad, it was all the men he frequented with. They were using her for so many things. When she had finally had enough, they weren’t ready to let her stop.

“How did you get involved?” he asks.

“There was an accident,” I say, using quotations around the word accident. “My mom is in a coma at a nursing home. I don’t have proof that he was involved, but I know he was. He told me he would pay for her care if I did some things for him. He also said he wouldn’t share all the shit he had on her if I did him a favor. The favor being marrying his daughter. He wanted to make sure there was a way my mom was always tied to him, no matter what.”

“That’s fucked up, Clark,” Mitch says.

“I know. I’m just so tired, man. I’m tired of paying for the sins of my parents. I love my mom more than life, but I can’t do this shit anymore. I can’t,” I say, running my hand over my face.

“You shouldn’t have to. I wish you would have told me this a long time ago, though. I would have done whatever I could to help you.”

“I know. That’s why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to get you involved.”

“But now they’ve fucked with my sister,” he says angrily.

“Yes, they have. And I’m going to take care of it,” I tell him.

“You can’t do it alone.”

“I can and I will. I have to. I know I haven’t given you any reason to, but you have to trust me on this,” I tell him sternly.

“I don’t know why you won’t just let me help you. I don’t want to see anything happen to you. If these people are capable of things like this, then what else are they capable of?”

He has no idea. People with money have no consequences to their actions.

“Mr. Halloway?”

“Yes?” Mitch stands up.

My heart is beating wildly in my chest. I know the paramedic told me she was confident that Marley was going to be fine, but I’m still terrified.

“Hi, I’m Doctor Donoho,” she says, reaching her hand out for him to shake.

“Is my sister okay?” he asks.

She gives him a small smile before nodding her head.

“She’s going to be just fine. She suffered a concussion from the impact of the crash, a minor fractured pelvis, and several fractures in her ankle. She lost a lot of blood, but she’s doing fine now. We did take her down for emergency surgery on her ankle. If she had been in the car any longer, we would probably be having a different kind of conversation right now,” she says.

“What does all this mean?” Mitch asks.

“Her pelvis fracture is minor, so that will just require some bedrest and a couple of prescriptions. The ankle will probably have her out of commission for a couple of months, especially since there was surgery involved. Your sister definitely had someone watching over her today.”

My eyes fill with tears, because we both know who she had watching over her.

“When can we see her?” he asks.

“It shouldn’t be too much longer. I’ll have a nurse come out to get you both. She’s in recovery right now, so once she’s back in her room, we’ll get you back there as soon as we can,” she says, smiling.

“Thanks again,” Mitch says.