“No, I’m serious. Bob over there, he’s a stickler. He won’t serve minors.”

The girls glance over, and Bob waves at us.

“You know him?” Marley asks.

“Oh, yeah. This is our spot,” I tell her.

“Well, this blows.” Delaney pouts.

“I feel like you set us up,'' Marley says, raising her eyebrow at her brother.

“I would never. You know I don’t care if you drink. You guys just asked to go out and this is our favorite place.” He shrugs.

I’ve been staring at Marley since we sat down. She looks fucking fantastic, and it’s killing me.

“You want a soda or something?” Delaney asks Marley.

“I’ll just have water,” she tells her.

“I’ll go with you,” Mitch says, standing up to join Delaney at the bar.

“Will you grab me a beer?” I ask him.

“Sure thing.”

I watch the two of them walk away, leaving Marley and I alone at the table.

She’s trying everything she can to avoid eye contact with me. I watch her look down at her phone, but then glance back to me, before her eyes drift down to her phone again.

“Did you get that guy's number?” I ask, tapping my fingers on the table.

“What?” she asks, looking at me confused.

“The guy from the beach. Did you get his number?”

“Oh, yeah. We’re going to try and get together when I get to campus,” she says, nervously running her fingers through her hair.

“Is that smart?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.

“Excuse me?”

“Is it smart to give a stranger your number and make plans to meet up with him? You don’t know anything about him.”

“I don’t know anything about you either, but here I am,” she says, waving her hand in the air.

She’s feisty.

“You know me, Marley.”

“Correction, I knew you when I was a kid. I’m not a kid anymore.”

“No, you’re damn sure not,” I tell her, letting my gaze linger over her.

She squirms in her seat but doesn’t say anything in response.

Mitch and Delaney walk up a couple of minutes later, saving her from any more scrutiny.

“Thanks,” she says when Delaney hands her a glass.