It’s been a week since Charlotte was forced on that date with Jasper Rodgers.
Jasper Rodgers.
I have never wanted to kill someone as much as I want to kill that motherfucker. I contacted one of my old friends from college to do some digging. He’s supposed to get back to me as soon as he finds anything worth knowing.
I’ve been hoping it happens before Charlie has to see him again. She was summoned to a date with him last night but faked being sick to get out of it. She spent the night in my arms, crying.
The guy made her send him a picture of a thermometer proving she had a fever before he would believe her.
My phone rings and I see Cam’s name flash on the screen. It’s also been a week since I heard from my sister.
“Cole, where are you?”
“I’ve been worried about you. Mom and Dad won’t talk about what happened, Tyler swears he hasn’t heard from you since the night of that party, and I’m just worried.”
I feel bad that she’s been worrying so much. Not bad enough to tell her where I’m staying, but bad.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. What are you doing?”
“Getting ready to go out. I finally talked Charlie into going out. I feel like she’s been avoiding me lately.”
If she only knew the shit Charlie’s been through.
“Where are you going? I’ll pop in,” I tell her.
There’s no way Charlie is going out without me.
“Out to Maggie Davenport’s lake house. We’ll be there around nine. I’m supposed to pick Charlie up at eight thirty.”
“What if I meet you at Charlie’s? I’ll ride with you, or you guys can ride with me?” I offer, knowing I’ll be at Charlie’s anyway.
“Really? That would be great. I’ll see you then.”
She hangs up the phone, excited about seeing me, and I feel the guilt creep in. This must be what Charlie’s been talking about. My sister will feel betrayed when, and if, she finds out what’s been going on behind her back.
“Everything okay?” Charlie asks, walking into my room.
“Yeah. I just told Cam I was going to the party with you guys tonight. I’m supposed to meet the both of you here,” I say, smirking.
“I feel like we’re playing with fire,” she says, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Hey, don’t be like that. Everything will be fine.” I walk over to her, using my finger to lift her chin up.
“I’m just scared to lose her,” she admits. “I’m scared to lose you.”
“Everything will be okay,” I reassure her.
I don’t know if that’s true, but I’ll do everything in my power to make it okay.
“I’m going to go get ready,” she says, breaking up the moment between us.
An hour later, I’m ready, and I haven’t heard anything from Charlotte since our talk earlier. I left the house to make everything appear as genuine as it can be and I’m pulling into the driveway right at eight thirty behind my sister.
“Right on time,” Cam says, getting out of the car, running over to me for a hug.