“Oh, but I do. You’re mine.”
“I’ll never be yours.” She laughs, walking upstairs, slamming her door.
Charlotte doesn’t know it yet, but she is mine. She doesn’t get to just fuck around with anyone anymore. Now that I’ve had her, no one else can.
I spent the last half of the trip to Mexico denying the fact that I was falling for her. I went as far as leaving and ignoring her messages. This was never supposed to be more than what it was while we were there, and somewhere along the line, I fell in love.
Apparently, I’m not so heartless after all.
Chapter Seventeen
Who the fuck does he think he is? Telling me who I can and can’t see like he owns me. The worst part about this whole situation is I have no one I can talk to. It’s not like I can call Cam up and cry to her about my problems.
I don’t know why I’m letting him make me feel this way, it’s not like any of this will matter once I graduate anyway. He has no idea what’s in store for me when that day comes.
I make my way to my bathroom. I need a shower to wash away how dirty it makes me feel every time I sleep with Cole.
The sad part about it is that I love the way he makes me feel. I don’t care if he tosses me out like a used doll once he’s finished with me. I feel like the most beautiful girl in the room when we’re together. He’s like a completely different person.
I don’t know what I expected when I told him he could stay here. I knew that something like this would happen. It’s like the two of us are gluttons for punishment or something. We don’t think when we’re near each other.
Thankfully, I don’t hear from him the rest of the night. There’s a light coming from under his door when I finally decide to get into bed and try to sleep. It’s hard to fall asleep knowing he’s just down the hall.
* * *
The next morning, Cole is nowhere to be found when I get up, thankfully. Cam will be here anytime to pick me up for school and I can’t risk a run-in like that.
I’m filling my travel cup with coffee when I hear her honk out front.
“Hey, bitch,” she says, smiling from the driver’s side.
I smile back, even though I feel guilty about what happened last night with her brother.
“It’s Friday!” You need to be a little more excited than that,” she says, making me laugh.
“You’re right,” I agree.
“Sleepover at my house tonight? There’s a party at Becca’s too,” she says, turning the music down so we can talk.
If I don't sleep over at her house, she’s going to know something. Things just keep getting more and more complicated.
“Of course. It’s Friday. Where else would I be?” I say.
“I think Cole is going to be at the party tonight. I need to talk to him if I see him,” she says, typing out a message on her phone.
My heart skips a beat just at the mention of his name.
“Could we not text and drive this morning?” I say, grabbing her phone from her hand.
“Whatever,” she says, pushing her sunglasses down to cover her eyes.
We pull into the parking lot of the school a few minutes later, barely making it in time before the bell rings.
“You have to start picking me up earlier,” I say, making her roll her eyes.
“Yes, ma’am,” she says, saluting me before heading off to her first class.