“Clearly he doesn’t realize that Charlotte Rose doesn’t let guys tell her what to do,” Cam says, laughing.
She always makes my anger disappear. This is exactly why I don’t know what I would do if I lost her.
“Well, I just gave him a piece of my mind while also dumping my drink on him. Sorry if I ruined your good time,” I say, my shoulders slumping.
“Pshh. I can get a dude anywhere. That guy was just another plaything for the great Cameron Garrett,” she says, laughing.
To anyone else, Cam looks like your typical high school girl. Out having the time of her life with countless guys. But I know the truth. Cam is so desperately lonely, but she would never admit it. She masks her loneliness with partying and sex.
She throws her arm over my shoulder. “What do you say we have the captain dock and get rid of these tools?”
“I’d really like that,” I say, relaxing.
“Cole just told the cap we needed to dock. Time to get rid of the excess baggage,” Tyler says, jogging up to us.
It does something to my insides knowing that Cole stood up for me back there. Even though I didn’t need him. I had it handled.
“Charlie, that was fucking hot,” Tyler says, laughing.
I scrunch my face up in confusion. “What was?”
“You telling that prick off. He deserved it.”
“Are those girls getting off the boat too?” Cam asks.
“Do you want them to? Need me all for yourself, baby?” Tyler says, wiggling his eyebrows in her direction. “The three of us could have a party of our own.”
“Not gonna fucking happen.” Cole walks over, glaring in Tyler’s direction.
“It was all jokes, man. Lighten up.” He laughs.
“The girls don’t have to go, but can we at least go to the club? I need to find a new guy.” Cam pouts.
“I’m down with that,” Tyler says, while Cole groans, rubbing his hands over his face.
“You’re the best brother ever,” Cam says, wrapping her arms around Cole’s neck.
They might fight like cat and dog, but Cole would do anything for Cam, and she knows it.
“I’m just going to change,” I say, gesturing towards the hallway.
“Let me help!” Cam says, grabbing my arm, pulling me down towards her room.
* * *
“Don’t overthink it,” Cam says. “You look fucking hot.”
It’s like she can read my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m good looking. I just find it hard to not look in the mirror and see a hundred imperfections.
I run my hands down the satin material of Cam’s black dress. It hits mid-thigh, barely covering my ass, if I’m being honest, and the neckline is plunging. I’m talking down to my belly button. My breasts actually look amazing.
Cam gave me a pair of six-inch stilettos and some diamond hoop earrings. We straightened my long, dark hair, and it landed right above my ass.
“Have you seen yourself?” I say, gesturing towards my best friend.
She looks amazing, as usual. She’s going to knock the pants off of some unsuspecting guy at the club. Her dress looks more like a piece of lingerie than a dress. Knowing Cam, it probably is. It’s white, leaving very little to the imagination, and it looks like someone painted it on her. Only someone like Cam could pull that dress off.
“This old thing?” she says, waving her hand in the air. “Here, put this on.”