Page 21 of Heartless Devil

If I thought Cam and I had some shitty ass parents, they’re nothing compared to Charlie’s. She probably hasn’t even seen them this entire school year. They used to come around a lot more when the girls were in grade school, but once they hit high school, they disappeared. It’s like they thought kids didn’t need raising anymore, once they hit a certain age.

I’m about to leave the kitchen, when Tyler comes waltzing in.

“I didn’t even know you were still here,” I say, leaning against the counter.

“I didn’t either.” He laughs. Dude looks rough today.

“Were you alone when you woke up? Because I sure as hell wasn’t.” I smirk.

“Nope. How many were with you? I had two.” He laughs.


“I wish I could remember what happened.” He shakes his head.

“Me too. The last thing I remember is fighting with Cam about fucking her friends. I don’t know why she’s so against it. It’s not like I haven’t before.” I shrug, thinking back to last year when Cam’s friend, Heather, and I hooked up at a party.

“Well, it’s obvious she doesn’t know about Heather. I’d like to give Charlie a go. Damn that girl gets hotter every fucking year.” I shoot him a glare, but he doesn’t see it.

I’ll be damned if Tyler gets anywhere near Charlie either. If I have it my way, nobody will touch Charlie. Nobody but me. And I only want to fuck with her.

“Anyway, I’m gonna head out. If I don’t make an appearance at home this week then Mom will never let me go to Mexico.” He slaps his hand against mine before leaving the house.

I hop in the shower and then spend the rest of the morning watching T.V. The house has been quiet since Cam left to take Charlie home and she never came back.

My phone rings halfway through the movie I’m watching, but when I glance down and see that it’s Monika, I choose to ignore it. I’m trying to distance myself from her before she gets even more attached than she already is.

“Cole!” Cam yells when she walks inside.

“In here,” I holler back, because I really don’t feel like getting up.

“Hey, I’ve got something I need to do, and Charlie is supposed to be back anytime. Can you just let her know I’ll be back in a while?” She leans against the doorway to the room.

“Can’t you just call her?”

“I would, but she left her phone here when she went home. I was going to wait around for her, but she’s taking longer than I expected.”

I want to ask her what’s so important that she needs to leave her friend hanging, but it’s not my business and I don’t want to make it my business either. Not to mention, I’m sure I don’t want to know whatever it is Cam has herself wrapped up in.

“Whatever.” I flop back down on the couch, hearing the door slam a few minutes later.

The next half hour flies by, and I’m pretty sure I passed out while I was laying here. I’ll never get any sleep tonight now.

I’m on my way to the kitchen to find something to eat when the front door opens.

“What’s up, princess.” I nod in Charlie's direction and don’t miss the scowl she shoots in my direction.

“The amount of times I’ve asked you not to call me that is astounding.” She rolls her eyes, stomping through the hallway.

“Cam asked me to let you know she had something to do, and she’ll be back later.”

“Of course,” I hear her grumble before making her way upstairs.

Looks like the princess is in a bad mood. I wonder what gives? She normally has this perfect, happy, nothing bothers me vibe going on. It looks like she let her mask slide off for a minute.


Twenty minutes later, Cam comes in, slamming the door. She doesn’t speak to me––actually, she doesn’t even acknowledge me at all.