Page 13 of Heartless Devil

“You’re a dumbass.”

“So, that’s a yes? I’ll be by in a little while.”

He hangs up before I can respond. I guess I’m having a fucking party tonight.

“Cam!” I holler, hoping she can hear me from the kitchen.

“What’s up?” She peeks into my bedroom.

“We’re having a party tonight. I’ll have my eyes on you at all times, so don’t try anything funny,” I warn.

“Can I at least invite a few friends?” she asks, pouting.

“I guess, but I don’t want a bunch of fucking kids here, okay?” I sigh.

She flips me off. “I’m only three years younger than you, jackass.”

“Exactly, that means you're still a baby,” I respond.

“We both turn eighteen next week,” she says, referring to the fact that she and Charlie were born a couple of days apart.

Our mothers thought it was best to keep them in preschool a year longer than everyone else, making them the oldest in their class. They turn eighteen the summer before their senior year, where almost everyone else will have to wait months into the school year.

“Come on, Charlie. Let’s go shopping. We get to party tonight.” I can hear my sister’s excitement from upstairs.

I’m already one hundred percent sure I’m going to regret this, and it hasn’t even started yet.

Chapter Five


I’m actually excited about the party tonight, which is a first for me. I think it’s probably because I know that if I get tired of people, I can go upstairs and lock myself in a bedroom. When Cam and Cole have parties, they always make sure the upstairs is off limits. You never have to worry about running into a couple in a dark bedroom.

Plus, there’s the added bonus of the amazing pool. A shiver runs down my body thinking about what happened last night in the pool. It was absolutely nothing but Cole being a complete dick to me, but I’ve never been more turned on in my life.

And that pisses me off.

“Earth to Charlie. Jesus, you have been so distracted lately.”

“I do not need to get laid, so don’t even say it,” I warn, cutting her off.

“Damn. We’ve been friends too long. You know what I’m thinking before I do.” She laughs, her arm hanging out the window, singing along to the music on the radio.

“That’s because you’re literally always only thinking about getting laid,” I say, making her laugh.

“I can’t wait to find something sexy to wear tonight,” she says.

“Do we really need new outfits for this party?” I ask, turning to look in her direction.

“Of course we do. What good are our parents if we don’t use their money? It’s not like they give a shit about us anyway.” She pushes her sunglasses down on her face, her attention on the road.

She’s not wrong. My parents gave me a credit card with virtually no spending limit on it. They couldn’t care less about me or what I’m doing.

We pull into the parking lot of the mall, Cam linking her arm with mine as we walk inside. Sometimes, I wonder where I would be without her. How alone I would feel. I can’t imagine a life that doesn’t have Cam in it. I owe her so much.

“Let’s go in here.” She drags me into the first store, already looking through clothes on the rack.

Surprisingly, she lets me pick my own outfit for tonight. I think it had something to do with the fact that her phone has been ringing nonstop since we got here. Everyone wants to know about the party. They want to be on the exclusive guest list.