Page 85 of Heartless Devil

His phone rings and he pulls it out of his pocket before I can reply. Now I’m concerned. I’m going to be stuck with him somewhere and nobody knows where I’m going. I don’t even have anyone to tell.


I quickly pull my phone from my purse and send out a text to him, sharing my location.

Charlotte: My parents flung a date on me last minute with my future husband. Jasper Rodgers. I do not get good vibes from him. I didn’t know who else to tell, so I’m sharing my location with you.

Cole: What the fuck? I’m coming for you.

Charlotte: No! You can't do that right now. I have to let this play out.

Cole: You’re mine, princess. It would do good for this asshole to know that.

Charlotte: I didn’t text you this for it to become a pissing contest, Cole. I just wanted someone to know where I was. Just in case.

Cole: If you’re not back at the house by three, I’m coming for you.

Charlotte: I’m supposed to let him in when we get back. I’m supposed to get to know him. You can’t be there.

He doesn’t respond, and that worries me. It might have been a mistake to tell him about Jasper, but at this point, I don’t care. There is something off about this guy. I trust my instincts.

“Who was that you were just texting?” Jasper asks.

“My friend, Cameron,” I lie.

“Is she excited for you?” he asks.

“I haven’t told her,” I tell him.

“Why wouldn’t you tell your friend the big news? She could help you plan the wedding.”

“Let’s not act like I’m going to get any say in how this wedding goes. I haven’t told her anything yet because I don’t want to break her heart. We were supposed to go to college together. Live together,” I tell him.

“What a shame. Imagine how upset she’s going to be when she finds out you’ve been lying to her all this time,” he says, clicking his tongue.

I don’t respond to that. I don’t have anything to say. If Cam is going to be angry at me, it’s going to be about a lot more than me lying about being forced to marry someone.

“Ahh, we’re here.”

I glance out the window. We seem to be in the middle of nowhere.

“Where are we?” I ask.

“That’s a secret I’ll never tell.” He winks, and his driver opens the door for us.

I follow him up to a house perched at the top of a hill. There aren’t any other houses around. The backyard seems to be a forest, and to the left of the house is a huge lake. I’ll give him credit; this place is gorgeous.

“This will be one of our homes when we get married,” he says, just before unlocking the door.

The thought of being trapped in the middle of nowhere with him has me on edge. He won’t even tell me where we are.

“It’s beautiful,” I say, my lips in a thin line.

“I’ve had a lunch prepared for us,” he says, leading me towards what I assume is the dining room.

The house may be beautiful on the outside but it’s very clinical on the inside. Everything is white. The furniture, the walls, everything.

He pulls out a chair for me to sit down before sitting at the head of the table next to me.