Page 53 of Heartless Devil

Cole: If you think you can avoid us and that things are over, you’re wrong. I meant everything I said tonight.

His threat hangs heavily in the air. We’re walking a dangerous line just texting each other.

I decide the best thing to do is ignore him. Putting my phone down, I head into the shower. The hot water steaming the room does little to erase Cole from my thoughts.

I wonder how I’m supposed to go back to a life when he didn’t invade every space of my brain.

Chapter Twelve


Charlie doesn’t respond to my text, but I wasn’t expecting her to. I’ve made her uncomfortable, but that was my intention. I need her to be looking over her shoulder all the time, wondering where I’ll be next.

I want to be the only thing she can think of until it drives her absolutely crazy. My plan is to be so embedded in her brain that she feels insane if she’s not with me. I want her to feel the way I feel.

Charlie Rose is mine now. I made sure she knew that, and I’ll make sure she never forgets it.

I have no intentions of taking this thing with Charlie any further than it is right now. I’m not the type of guy that does romantic shit like chocolates and flowers, but if I can keep messing with her head and fucking her, then I’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the trip.

When we get back home, it’s back to reality. I’ll have no use for her anymore.

I toss my phone on the nightstand next to the bed. It’s not lost on me that we almost fucked up and got caught tonight. I like the thrill of sneaking around with her, but I know she doesn’t. If I don’t figure out how to keep this between us, then she won’t agree to do it anymore. Where’s the fun in that?

It takes me a lot longer to fall asleep than usual because I didn’t drink anything tonight. I knew my sister would end up getting shit faced and someone would need to take care of her. What she needs is some therapy, but I know my parents would never agree to that.

* * *

“Cole! Wake up!” My sister pounding on my bedroom door wakes me up the next morning.

“Go the fuck away, Cam.” I groan, throwing a pillow over my head.

“We’re about to dock. It’s time to get back to the house,” she says impatiently.

She bangs on the door a couple more times for good measure before I hear her stomping down the hallway, pounding on Charlie’s door.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, grabbing the first pair of shorts on the floor and pulling them on. I gather up all the clothes strung around the room and shove them into a bag before leaving the room.

“Dude, you good?” Tyler asks, cheerful as usual, even though he was drunker than a skunk last night.

“I’m good. What about you?”

“Aside from the fact that I can’t remember anything past us anchoring on that island last night, I’m good.” He laughs as I shake my head.

I don’t know how the guy does it. He’s out partying every single night, but by the next morning you’d never be able to tell.

“You guys would waste your entire trip sleeping if I let you,” I hear my sister grumble as she walks out into the main deck.

Charlie is behind her, looking like the angel she is.

It brings me some sort of sick pleasure to know that I’ve defiled her and brought her down to my own little piece of hell.

“You’re getting on my nerves,” Charlie mumbles, causing Cam to turn on her heels.

“What did you say?”

“I said, you’re getting on my nerves. I like to sleep. Leave me the fuck alone.”

“Whoa,” Cam says, grabbing Charlie’s arm. “Are you okay?” she asks.