Page 86 of King of Kings

“Yes, I understand, sir. Thank you. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I climb out of bed, walking towards the bathroom. He opens the door before I get the chance to.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“Everything is perfect. I woke up this morning to a phone call from my father. He was served with papers regarding the house and the University. He’s going to relinquish both to me. I called the school as soon as we got off the phone and I have to go there this afternoon. Hopefully, by next semester, I’ll be teaching.”

I’ve seen a lot of different emotions on Knox, but I think this is one of the few times I’ve seen him truly happy.

“I’m so happy for you,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around him.

“None of this would have happened if it weren’t for you,” he says.

“Why would you say that?” I ask, pulling back to look him in the eye.

“You showed me that I deserved a lot more than I thought I did. If you hadn’t weaseled your way into my heart, I’d still be miserable,” he says, leaning down, kissing me deeply.

“I like where this is going,” I say, smiling against his lips.

“Me too, but I’m going to have to take a raincheck. I need to get ready and get down there for my meeting.”

“Fine, fine.” I pout.

He smacks my ass before walking back into the bathroom. My phone starts ringing on the dresser a few minutes later.

It’s my mom.

I’ve been avoiding her. She called the other day and I made it seem like I answered, but I didn’t.

Sighing, I click the green button to answer her call.


“Oh my God, Sophia. Are you okay? We just got word that Bradley was arrested yesterday.”

“I’m fine, now,” I tell her, pacing the room.

“What happened? Do you need me to come to you?” she asks, making me feel a twist in my gut.

“No, no. I’m okay. Everything is going to be okay,” I tell her, and I mean it.

“You’re not staying alone, are you?” she asks.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, debating whether or not to tell her about Knox.

“No, I’m not. I’ve been seeing someone. I’m staying with him.”

“You have? Who is it? Is it someone I know?” she asks.

“Knox Kingston,” I say, deciding the best thing to do is just rip the band aid off.

“Sophia––” she starts, but I cut her off before she can lecture me.

“No, Mom. You’re not going to do that. I love him. We love each other. This is the first time I’ve ever felt like this about someone. It’s the first time I’ve ever truly been happy.” I feel tears stinging my eyes and nearly jump when I feel Knox wrap his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head.

“I wasn’t going to lecture you. I was going to tell you I’m happy for you. I truly am,” she says, and she actually sounds sincere.

“Thanks, Mom,” I say, wiping a stray tear from my eye.