Page 81 of King of Kings

I realize that time is ticking, and it seems to me like the best option is to run through the woods. If I take off towards the street, he’ll spot me easily, and at least this way there are plenty of places for me to hide.

* * *


I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right. I’ve had this gnawing at my gut since I left the house, but I realize it probably has something to do with the fact I’m about to confront my father.

I pull into the parking garage at the firm, find a space, and head towards the elevators. I feel this peace in my soul knowing that I’m finally going to do something that I should have done a long time ago. Then I might have the opportunity for real happiness.

The office is empty for this time of day. I look around, and aside from the receptionist, there isn’t anyone in sight. I pull the door to my dad’s office open, honestly surprised to see him here by himself.

“Knox, did you come to apologize?” he asks, making me scoff.

“As if I have anything to apologize for,” I say.

“Oh, I can think of a number of things. The first being that I’m a man down at the firm, because I had to fire Bradley. It would have looked terrible on me if I hadn’t,” he says, looking through paperwork on his desk, not even bothering to look me in the eye.

“Bradley is a piece of shit,” I say, feeling the anger rise.

“Maybe so, but he was one hell of an attorney. It’s a shame that arrest will leave a smear on his reputation. It will cost him big bucks to shove that under the rug.”

“I have some things I need to say, and you’re going to listen,” I say, holding my head high.

This finally gets his attention.

“Excuse me?” he says, looking up from his desk.

“I’m out.”

He looks at me like I’m stupid.

“I’m out of the firm. I want nothing to do with it. I want nothing to do with you. You’re also going to give me the house,” I say, walking over to sit in the chair across from him.

He has the nerve to laugh. It’s okay, because I expected this kind of reaction out of him.

“Or what? Who do you think you are coming in here and making threats like that? Get the fuck out of my office. I’ll see you on Monday.” He waves his hand to dismiss me.

“You’re going to agree to everything I just said, or I’m going straight to the police station when I leave here to give them this,” I say, slamming a folder down on his desk.

He looks amused, until he opens it.

“What the fuck is this?” he asks, flipping through the pages.

“That’s everything I’d need to throw your ass in jail. You’re a slimy businessman and an even nastier person. The bar will have your license and you’ll be done if any of this gets out.” I lean back, crossing my arms over my chest.

I watch him read through the pages, his whole world crumbling in front of him. All the evidence of his off shore bank accounts, all of his dirty dealings with many shady people in the area. Everything.

“You wouldn’t dare, you piece of shit,” he snarls.

“Oh, I would. I’d do it for me, for Sophia, and for my siblings. I’d do it gladly,” I say, getting up from the chair and walking towards the door.

“Don’t you need this?” he asks, grasping at straws, holding the folder up.

“Nope, I’ve got plenty of copies.” I smirk before opening the door and slamming it behind me.

I make it into the elevator before my phone rings.

“What’s up, Preston?” I ask, hitting the button to head down to the parking garage.