“I’ve had the amazing opportunity to see my brothers fall in love. I have some amazing role models in my life thanks to the three of you.”
I start to interrupt, but she puts her hand up to stop me.
“I know you want to deny that you’re in love, but I think it’s pretty obvious for an outsider looking in. Now, I don’t know what happened, I don’t know who’s to blame, but I do know you won’t be able to fix anything if you don’t communicate. Before you decide to write her off, maybe you should let her explain.”
My baby sister just shocked the hell out of me.
“Thanks, Kins,” I say, my head hanging.
“I love you, Knox. I just want to see you happy. It really kills me to see you this way.”
I look over at her, tears are filling her eyes, and I immediately feel like shit for putting this stress on her.
“I’m sorry, Kins. I’m working on it. I promise,” I reassure her.
She gives me a sad smile, squeezes my shoulder, and then gets up to leave.
I think there’s a lot about our sister that we don’t really know.
I flop down on the bed, my head at war with my heart. I know it’s not fair to not let Sophia explain her situation, but I’m just so pissed. It’s clear to me that something happened between the two of them that caused Sophia to run, but why didn’t she tell me?
This whole situation is fucked-up. It all boils down to the fact that I should have known better. This is what happens when I stop listening to the warning signs. I always end up with my heart trampled.
My phone rings, and I groan when I see that it’s my dad. I’m sure he’s pissed that I ran out like I did. I’m just hoping he didn’t see me.
“Knox, where are you? Bradley said he thought he saw you running out. Was there an emergency?”
Fucking Bradley. Of course he would say some shit like that. What a snake. All I can think about is the smirk on his face and how badly I wanted to knock him the fuck out.
“No emergency. I just had some place I needed to be,” I say.
“Ah, well, that’s a shame. I’ll see you Monday at the office,” he says before hanging up.
I stare down at the phone, confused. I was so sure he was going to lay into me about leaving early.
I can’t think about that too much. I’m honestly more worried about how I’m going to go into that office Monday and not beat the shit out of Bradley.
I don’t know how long I lay there, staring at the ceiling, before I finally fall asleep.
I wake up the next morning and roll over to check the time on my phone. It’s after nine. That’s the latest I’ve slept in a long time.
My mind immediately drifts to Sophia, wondering if she’s upstairs sleeping. Did she have trouble finding sleep like I did? Does she work today? Should I talk to her? Have I calmed down enough for that?
“Knox!” Kinsley comes running into the room in a panic.
“Calm down, Kins. What’s wrong?” I get up from the bed, gripping her arms.
“Sophia’s gone,” she cries.
“What do you mean, gone?” I ask.
“Her stuff has gone. She must have left last night or early this morning. I tried calling her, but she isn’t answering.”
“It’s okay, Kins. Maybe she went back to her apartment.”
“Why wouldn’t she tell me though?” she asks.
“I’m not sure. That doesn’t sound like her. She wasn’t in the right headspace last night. Maybe she just needs some time alone,” I say.