Page 60 of King of Kings

“No, I’m not. Knox left me at this fundraiser. He’s so mad at me. I have so much I need to explain to him, but I need a ride back to the house,” I say, rushed.

“Okay, calm down. I’m on my way.”

I spout off the address of the hotel and walk down the stairs, pacing the sidewalk in front of the building.

“You were always a distraction, you know?” I hear Mr. Kingston before I see him.

“Excuse me?”

“You’ve always been the one thing that would keep Knox from doing what he needed to do. The one person that would keep him from fulfilling his family duties. I thought I got rid of you when I convinced your father to relocate to Chicago. It just turned out to be a stroke of luck that he sent me your husband on a silver platter. Thank you for doing what I couldn’t do.”

“And what’s that?” I ask, anger coursing through me.

“Making Knox see what a mistake you are.” He grins, tossing his cigar into the bushes before walking back inside.

I sit down on the curb, putting my face in my hands. How did this become my life? I worked so hard to get away from Bradley. How did he find me?

“Sophia, I knew you would make the most beautiful bride,” my mom gushes, putting her hands on my shoulders, both of us looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I thought your wedding day was supposed to be one of the happiest of your life. Why do I feel this dread in the pit of my stomach?

Maybe it’s because of what happened last week.

I shake off my thoughts. That was a mistake. Bradley would never intentionally hurt me. He had been out with the guys, drinking, and things got out of control. It’s never happened before, and I know it won’t happen again.

He loves me. I love him. He’s the perfect fit for my family.

“Sophia? Are you okay?” My mom pulls me from my thoughts.

I want to tell her what happened, but I don’t think it would matter. My mom thinks Bradley is the perfect match for me. Our parents are friends, and he works at my dad’s firm. It’s like he was handpicked and put right into my path. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t realize this is a marriage of convenience.

“You ready, Sophia?” my mom asks.

“Sophia? Are you okay?” Kai’s voice pulls me out of my memories.

Thank God. This isn’t the time for a walk down memory lane.

“Yeah, sorry. I’m distracted.” I fumble to get up, grabbing my clutch and getting into his car.

“What happened?” He looks concerned––and exhausted.

I feel bad for calling him.

“I’m so sorry I called you. I tried everyone. You’re the only one that answered,” I tell him.

“Don’t be sorry. You’re my friend.”

I wipe tears that are still falling down my face. I can’t even imagine what I must look like right now.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” he asks again.

“I’m not sure if I should,” I admit, looking out the window.

It doesn’t feel right telling someone about my past before I tell Knox.

“Why not?”

“I think Knox deserves to know first. Let’s just say that I’ve got a past, and it showed up tonight.” I sigh.