Page 3 of King of Kings

“A wife doesn’t automatically give you the perfect image. As a matter of fact, it will just put more scrutiny on me. I don’t have time for the drama that a relationship entails.” I sigh.

If I can avoid a relationship altogether, then I can avoid the heartbreak that inevitably comes with it.

“I don’t know if you’re fit to take over this company if you can’t even handle the commitment of a wife.”

“You don’t even have a wife. This conversation is pointless,” I point out.

“I did have one, but she ran off on me, and now I get to play the part of a grieving businessman,” he says, his eyes never leaving the endless stack of papers on his desk.

“She didn’t leave you;youmadeherleave.”

“Nobody knows that. That’s the point, boy.”

My dad is relentless. Every month he brings up this same topic with me, and every month I shut him down like I did the month before.

“Are we done here?” I ask flatly.

“For now,” he threatens.

I fight the urge to say something back and leave the office. I hate when he summons me up here. Just being in his presence makes me feel miserable.

“Goodnight, Kane,” the redhead behind the desk says, wiggling her fingers in a wave.

Kane? Seriously? She doesn’t even know my real name.

I nod in her direction, not interested in giving her any ideas. I’m not stupid. I know she spends her spare time fucking my dad, and I’m not entertaining the same people he does.

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding––once I step inside the elevator. Every time I have to come out to dad’s office, I feel this huge sense of dread.

My phone rings from my pocket and I pull it out.

“Hey, Kins.” I put her on speakerphone.

“Where are you?”

“I’m leaving Dad’s office.”

“Are you okay?”

How sad is it that your siblings need to make sure you’re okay when they know you’ve had a run in with your father? That’s the kind of family we’ve grown up with. It’s always been me and my three siblings against the world.

“I am now that it’s over.” I chuckle.

“I’m serious, Knox. I know what a visit with him does to you.”

“I’m fine. I promise,” I insist.

“I was planning to go to J’s. I just wanted to check in and make sure it’s okay,” she says.

“That’s fine. If you decide to stay just shoot me a text so I don’t wait up for you.”

“Knox, I’m going to be starting college soon. You don’t need to wait up for me anymore.”

I can just see her rolling her eyes at me right now.

“You’re my baby sister, Kins. Of course I worry about you.”

“I know you do. I love you, Knox.” She hangs up before I can say anything else.