Page 18 of King of Kings

“Hey, Kins,” I say with a smile.

“Hi, Sophia. What are you up to? You sound really happy.” She laughs.

“I’ve had about four margaritas tonight, so I’d say I’m pretty happy. What are you doing?” I ask, shifting in my seat.

“I’m at the tailor, helping Knox pick out a suit,” she says.

“Are you guys going to the ball or something?” I hiccup and she laughs.

“Not hardly. He has to go to some benefit for the hospital,” she says, and I feel like I could throw up.

Is this real life? I can’t escape him no matter how hard I try.

“Are you going too?” I ask, hoping like hell she says yes.

There’s less of a chance that he’ll mess with me if Kinsley is there as a buffer.

“No, not this time. Sometimes I’m allowed to go, but Dad insisted that it just be Knox at this one,” she says.

“Well, that’s a bummer. I would have loved to spend some time with you,” I tell her.

That’s not a lie. I consider Kinsley one of my best friends.

“Next time I’ll make more of a fuss,” she says, making me laugh. “Listen, I gotta go Sophia. I just wanted to call and say hi. I’ll call you later, though.” She hangs up, and I quickly type out a text to Dylan, letting him know that I’d love to go to the benefit with him.

Two can play at this game, Knox Kingston.

* * *

“Soph,are you sure this is a good idea?” Becca asks me.

I sigh, switching my phone from one ear to the other. “No, but it needs to be done.”

“When are the two of you going to be finished playing games with each other? I’m worried about your heart.”

I shrug, even though I know she can’t see me. “Maybe never. Knox Kingston is an asshole. He needs to be brought down a peg or two,” I say, feeling the anger rising in me just thinking about what happened the last time I saw him. It was hot as hell, but I’ve never been angrier in my life.

“That may be true, but the two of you have some weird fucked-up relationship happening, and I’m just not sure this is the answer to what’s been going on.” She sighs.

“Whose side are you on anyway? We don’t have a relationship. The last thing I want is a relationship with that cocky bastard.” I grit my teeth, swiping through various dresses in my closet.

“Okay, whatever you say. Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she says.

“Look, as much fun as this conversation has been, I really need to go and get ready. Dylan will be here any minute.”

“Does Dylan mind being a pawn in this game you’re playing?”

“All right, goodbye.” I hang up the phone before she has a chance to respond.

I’m not playing games. I genuinely like Dylan, and if it pisses Knox off that I’m bringing a date to this thing, then it’s a win for me.

I’ve been pushing Dylan off for a while. He asked me out shortly after I moved out and I was desperate to do anything to take my mind off what happened in Chicago. He was the perfect distraction. After that first date, I stopped responding when he asked to take me out again. I didn’t want to lead him on.

We’ve had a low-key thing going on since then. We flirt at work and through text messages, but we haven’t been out again. Not that he hasn’t tried, because he has, I’ve just been busy with work.

I finally settle on a deep blue, satin dress. It’s one of my favorites. The straps are thin, the neckline plunges, and there is a slit all the way up my thighs.

I pair it with some strappy heels that have rhinestones adorning the top––they clasp around my ankle.