Page 6 of Belle

Pulling out of the parking lot, I head down the road and back to the house.

Not without the feeling of someone watching me though. I haven’t been able to shake that feeling off since I got to this town.

Chapter 3


“Some hot guy was looking for you,” Tiffany says as she comes bursting through the backroom doors.

I frown. “So?”

“So, he’s new. He was fucking gorgeous.”

“Hell yeah he was. I saw him at the bar,” Tabby says.

“He’s got this stubble, dark brown hair, piercing eyes. I’m just imagining what he’s got under those clothes. I’d guess he’s packing,” Tiffany says.

I roll my eyes. Anytime a new guy comes in, these girls act like he’s the best thing they’ve seen in their lives. “I can’t wait to get the fuck out of this town and find a real man.”

Tiffany laughs. “Trust me, he was a real man. He had his eyes on you though.” She flips her hair and leaves the room.

Tabby raises her eyes. “Is she jealous?”

I think about that. Has Tiffany ever been jealous of me? Not that I can remember. She has no reason to be. We’re the typical blonde and brunette duo. It’s always been that way. Most guys think we’re sisters, so I don’t know what reason she’d have to be jealous.

“Nah.” I wave her off. “Tiffany is gorgeous, she’s got no reason to be jealous.”

“Whatever you say, Belle,” Tabby says with a laugh.

Around three in the morning, when Dax is finally able to get rid of the drunks, I head out to my car.

“You know you don’t have to wait around every morning until everyone leaves,” he tells me, locking the door behind us.

“I got nowhere else to be, Dax.” I sigh.

He looks at me with sympathy, which I hate. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Unlocking the door to my car, I pause. I feel goosebumps rise up the back of my neck.

I turn and look over my shoulder, but Dax is long gone and I’m the only one in the lot.

You ever get the feeling someone’s watching you?

I shiver before getting into the car, pulling out of the lot, and heading home.

Deadhorse has always given me this feeling of uneasiness.

“Mom?” I call out into the trailer. It’s like déjà vu. Every morning I come home and wonder what I’m going to walk into.

It looks like she had a party last night. Beer cans are strung out through the trailer, music is still blaring, and I have to step over at least three strange naked men on my way to my bedroom.

“I’ve got to get the fuck out of here,” I mumble.

“Hey, baby girl.” The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I don’t have the energy to deal with some dirt bag right now.

“Not interested.” I keep my attention on my door.

I feel his slimy finger run along my arm. “You sure about that?”

Letting go of the knob, I move fast, raising my arm up to clock him right in the nose. “You fucking bitch.” He grabs his nose and I watch the blood drip through his fingers.