Page 55 of Belle

Chet is nowhere to be found when I get back up to the booth. That’s no surprise. He probably found himself a warm body for the night.

I lean my head against the booth, waiting for Belle to return. I figure I’ll give her about twenty minutes before I go looking for her.

I don’t trust anyone in this place.

Chapter 17


A few hours earlier

“Aren’t you gonna put some panties on?” Maddox asks.

“Nope. I’m going to enjoy how antsy you’ll feel knowing I’m hanging out with nothing underneath this.” I grin, grabbing the doorknob and heading downstairs.

“Sorry about that, man.” I watch Maddox shake his friend's hand, his body blocking my view.

“No big deal,” a voice that seems vaguely familiar responds. “So, who’s your friend?” He turns his attention in my direction.

“Belle, this is Chet. Chet, this is Belle,” Maddox introduces us. As soon as my eyes land on Chet, my blood runs cold.

I plaster on a fake smile. I’ll give him credit, if he remembers me, he’s doing a great job of pretending like he’s never met me before.

“Belle.” His name rolls off my tongue and it sends chills down my spine. “It’s a pleasure.”

I quickly glance in Maddox’s direction. He looks so pleased. He has no idea that Chet is the man that raped me when I was fifteen. He’s the one man I’ve been looking for. The one person I’ve always wanted revenge on.

“Nice to meet you too,” I say, returning his grin.

“I came by to see if the two of you would like to grab some dinner tonight?” Chet turns his attention back to Maddox with a smile.

“Do you have any plans?” Maddox turns to me.

“No, I don’t. I just need a few minutes to take a quick shower.” I throw him a fake smile.

“Sure thing. We’ll just have a drink while we wait on you.” I know he can tell something is off with me.

I practically run up the stairs. I need to get myself together. If Chet does remember me, and this is all an act, I can’t let him see me sweat.

I make sure I dress to the nines. I don’t care who’s with us, that’s never an excuse not to look good. I pull on my shortest dress, and my highest heels. Thankfully, being a stripper, I have an abundance of those.

After Maddox attempts to grope me on the way out the door, we’re finally on our way. I tense up when Chet pulls into a parking lot at a nightclub. I thought we were going out to dinner? Maddox voices his disapproval.

“It’s fine, baby. It might be fun,” I reassure him. I don’t want to be here anymore than he does, but who knows, maybe some dancing might loosen me up a little bit.

I still want to feel Chet out. I need to know if he remembers me or not. I want to know if I’m at a disadvantage in this situation.

We head upstairs to a dark corner booth, and I slip inside, as close to Maddox as I can get.

“Drinks for everyone.” Chet grins, passing drinks out. There’s no way in hell I’m accepting a drink from him.

“You not drinking tonight?” Maddox whispers in my ear, pulling me from my thoughts.

“I’m not sure yet.” I shrug. I’m trying not to be so obvious about how uncomfortable I am right now. “I’m gonna go dance,” I lean over to whisper in his ear. It’s stifling in this booth, sitting across from a man I want to kill.

I’m sandwiched between two gorgeous women, when I feel Maddox push his way next to me.

“Took you long enough.” I grin, pushing my ass against him.